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I love Botswana! | 我愛博茨瓦納!

I love Botswana!

It wasn't my first time to Botswana, but I learned so much more about this lovely country the second time around and have come to appreciate it even further.  We were lucky enough to be around for the 44th anniversary of their independence.  We didn't get to stay for all of the fireworks but we did get to see the pride the Botswanans have in their country.  And rightfully so!  Only 44 years ago Botswana was a poor country suffering many of the same problems that exist throughout Africa, however, Botswana was lucky enough to find diamonds within their boarders and, thanks to a government that was not corrupt and cared for its people, it's now a fast growing, thriving country and a shining example to other African countries.

There are malls and universities, but they have still managed to keep a huge portion of their land reserved for the wildlife.  In Botswana you won't see as many tourists on your game drives as other countries.  Botswana has adopted a policy of high quality, low volume tourism, keeping the reserves less damaged and untouched.

It is, however, the people that make Botswana a wonderful place.  Unlike so many other countries in Africa, you don't have to worry about getting pick pocketed or cheated out of your money or about your safety.  The people of Botswana are not violent and do not like confrontation.  Granted, you can't always get exactly what you want all the time there (fast internet, for one thing) but the people are very generous and accommodating.

Working with some of the orphans at the media arts camp put on by the Pearson Foundation was one of the highlights of my trip.  In this camp, run by Erik Gregory and Andy Lewis,  they were taught how to use computers, take still photos and use digital video cameras.  None of them had ever touched a computer or video camera before.  The wonders of a digital camera where you could immediately see the results was so amusing to them they constantly erupted in fits of laughter seeing the photos of themselves on the camera monitor.  They were able to take the cameras home to shoot as much footage as the camera could hold, and the results were amazing.  We were able to see a side of the orphans that would normally take years for them to show any stranger.  They and their fellow orphans felt right at home when one of their own was behind the camera and they hammed it up.  You can see some of their photos at http://share.shutterfly.com/action/welcome?sid=8QcNGrJw5cs96.

I look forward to returning to Botswana in the near future and take in even more the lovely place has to offer.

| 我愛博茨瓦納!

這不是我第一次到博茨瓦納了,但當我第二次到這個可愛的國家,了解更多,也更加欣賞它。我們很幸運,來的時候剛好是博茨瓦納獨立44周年慶祝。我們沒有看完全程煙火,但看到了博茨瓦納國土的自豪,以及正直! 44年前,博茨瓦納還是個貧窮的國家,面臨跟現在貫穿非洲的同樣問題。但很幸運,博茨瓦納找到了鉆石,感謝他們的政府並沒有因此腐化墮落,也關愛人民。現在它是一個快速成長、興旺繁榮的國家,也是其他非洲國家的好榜樣。



這次旅程我最開心的是跟隨Pearson基金會的媒體藝術探訪營去看望一些孤兒。在這個由Erik Gregory和Andy Lewis組織的探訪營裏,孤兒們被教授如何使用電腦、拍攝靜態照片和使用數碼相機,之前他們沒有人接觸過電腦或數碼相機。數碼相機創造了奇跡,當他們從相機屏幕上立即看到自己拍攝的景象時,不時爆發出陣陣笑聲。他們可以把相機帶回家,盡可能多拍攝照片,效果也很驚人。我們看到了孤兒們的另一面,那是陌生人要花好多年才能看到的東西。他們和其他孤兒在家裏的鏡頭下無所拘束,很自然。你可以到這裏欣賞他們的照片:http://share.shutterfly.com/action/welcome?sid=8QcNGrJw5cs96


| 我爱博茨瓦纳!这不是我第一次到博茨瓦纳了,但当我第二次到这个可爱的国家,了解更多,也更加欣赏它。我们很幸运,来的时候刚好是博茨瓦纳独立44周年庆祝。我们没有看完全程烟火,但看到了博茨瓦纳国土的自豪,以及正直! 44年前,博茨瓦纳还是个贫穷的国家,面临跟现在贯穿非洲的同样问题。但很幸运,博茨瓦纳找到了钻石,感谢他们的政府并没有因此腐化堕落,也关爱人民。现在它是一个快速成长、兴旺繁荣的国家,也是其他非洲国家的好榜样。

那里有许多购物街和大学,但他们同时也保证了野生动物的巨大生存场所。在博茨瓦纳,你不会看到象在其他国家那么多的游客。博茨瓦纳制定的政策是让少量、素质高的游客来访,以保证少破坏、维持原状。然而是那里的人民让博茨瓦纳成为一个绝佳的地方。不象许多其他非洲国家,你不需要担心钱包被偷、被骗钱以及自身安全。博茨瓦纳的人民不犯罪,也不喜欢对抗。当然,你不可能永远都知道需要的是什么(比如快速互联网),但那里的人民非常大方、随和。这次旅程我最开心的是跟随Pearson基金会的媒体艺术探访营去看望一些孤儿。在这个由Erik Gregory和Andy Lewis组织的探访营里,孤儿们被教授如何使用电脑、拍摄静态照片和使用数码相机,之前他们没有人接触过电脑或数码相机。数码相机创造了奇迹,当他们从相机屏幕上立即看到自己拍摄的景象时,不时爆发出阵阵笑声。他们可以把相机带回家,尽可能多拍摄照片,效果也很惊人。我们看到了孤儿们的另一面,那是陌生人要花好多年才能看到的东西。他们和其他孤儿在家里的镜头下无所拘束,很自然。你可以到这里欣赏他们的照片:http://share.shutterfly.com/action/welcome?sid=8QcNGrJw5cs96我期待着近期还能再回博茨瓦纳,更多探访那个可爱的地方。

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Los Angeles, United States
February 8, 2007