Official Artist
Kazuya Shimizu
Action Director , Actor
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After that...

One month passed from East Japan great earthquake disaster.

However, an aftershock still continues in the Tohoku district.

There was an aftershock of seismic intensity 6 today.

And there was an aftershock of seismic intensity 4 in Tokyo.

In this earthquake disaster, I thank you about what a lot of reconstruction aid and contributions from all over the world were sent to really heartily.

Thank you very much!

However, revival takes time still more.

Please support Japan in future!

Kazuya Shimizu


over 13 years ago 0 likes  2 comments  0 shares
Photo 23537
over 13 years ago
Photo 80548
Pray for Japan!
over 13 years ago


Hi everyone!! Welcome to my site. Nice to see you. No Movie & No Music, No Life. ≪出演情報≫ *日本向け* 劇場版最新作『牙狼〈GARO〉-GOLDSTORM-翔』絶賛発売&レンタル中!!

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