Karen Mok
演员, 歌手
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The World Outside – Brief Introduction|外面的世界 – 歌曲簡介|外面的世界 – 歌曲简介

The magical power of this song is truly very strong. I honestly can’t explain why but I started crying every time recorded the vocals for this song, I just couldn’t control myself……

I remember back in 2004, I was very fortunate and had the opportunity to participate in CCTV’s Spring Festival Celebratory Event. It was such a memorable experience. That evening, I was on the stage with big brother, Chiyi Chin, and together we sang “Waimian De Shijie” (The World Outside). He played the guitar and I whistled in between the music breaks. The feeling I had at the time was very heartwarming; I didn’t feel one bit of that sad, sorrowful feeling that was in the original song. The response from the audience was also very enthusiastic. Even now, I know that there are many friends out there who are searching on the internet for this particular performance, wanting to watch it again and relive that moment!

I listened to this song when I was a student and at the time, I thought the melody was very pleasant to listen to. I was simply attracted to it. And now, many years later, I have the opportunity to record a new rendition of this song and I realize that I have a deeper understanding of it as well. After all the things I’ve experienced over the years, I certainly have a better understanding of the meaning and feelings expressed in the lyrics. So in the rendition, I thought it would be best if I expressed all the feelings and emotions that I’ve accumulated over the years and sing it in the song. I truly believe that this song is also a reflection of stories for many other people.

Just as I finished recording this song, I met up with Xiao Ge (Chiyi Chin’s nickname) in Beijing for dinner. We hadn’t seen each other in many years and being able to catch up together like this was a very rare occasion! And I also thought to myself that I should make good use of this opportunity to let the original singer of this song have a listen to the version I just finished recording, and see if I met the standard! As it turned out, he was very excited about it and told me that it sounded like he was listen to Koji Tamaki (he’s a Japanese singer). He said that that song still had that deep emotional feeling and it still moved people quite easily. Gaining this kind of praise from the original singer was amazing; I could finally put down the rock that was burdening me!

Xiao Ge, I truly feel very honored being able to sing a new rendition of your classic song. I hope that you will like the way I sang this song, and I also hope that I’ll have another chance to sing with you on the same stage again!

Words from the Producer, Zhang Ya-dong: Producing this song allowed me to become familiar with this song again, and it allowed me to experience the beauty of simplicity. The way I see it is that there is actually no relation between technical skills and the ability to sing a song that can emotionally move someone. Listening to Karen sing this song allowed me to see things in an entirely new way. I was deeply moved by this song!|  

這首歌的魔力真的很大,我自己也說不清楚為什麼,可是這的確讓我在配唱的時候一次又一次不自覺地掉淚 ......


還記得在 2004年我有幸參加中央電視臺的春節聯歡晚會,那一次的經驗真的很難忘,那天我跟齊秦大哥一起在臺上合唱了這首“外面的世界”,他用吉他演奏,我還在間奏時吹起口哨,當時的感覺是非常溫暖,沒有原曲中帶有一絲悲哀的感覺,觀眾當時的反應都很熱烈。到現在我知道在網路上還有不少人在搜尋這一次演出的片段來重溫呢!


其實在學生時代聽到這首歌的時候覺得旋律很動聽,很單純地被吸引著;然而在多年後有機會重新灌錄這首歌,我發現自己對這首歌有更深入的瞭解,畢竟這些年來我所經歷過的事情,的確讓我對歌詞中所表達的意思有更加深切的體會,而我也只好將自己所累積的情感在這首歌中抒發出來,我也相信這首歌也是很多人心中的寫照及故事 ...








 |   这首歌的魔力真的很大,我自己也说不清楚为什麽,可是这的确让我在配唱的时候一次又一次不自觉地掉泪 ......   还记得在 2004年我有幸参加中央电视台的春节联欢晚会,那一次的经验真的很难忘,那天我跟齐秦大哥一起在台上合唱了这首“外面的世界”,他用吉他演奏,我还在间奏时吹起口哨,当时的感觉是非常温暖,没有原曲中带有一丝悲哀的感觉,观众当时的反应都很热烈。到现在我知道在网路上还有不少人在搜寻这一次演出的片段来重温呢!   其实在学生时代听到这首歌的时候觉得旋律很动听,很单纯地被吸引着;然而在多年后有机会重新灌录这首歌,我发现自己对这首歌有更深入的瞭解,毕竟这些年来我所经历过的事情,的确让我对歌词中所表达的意思有更加深切的体会,而我也只好将自己所累积的情感在这首歌中抒发出来,我也相信这首歌也是很多人心中的写照及故事 ...   在刚刚配唱完毕后,我在北京跟小哥(齐秦大哥的昵称)还特地约了吃晚饭,我们已经有多年没碰面了,这次能好好的聚在一起真的很难得!而我也想应该好好把握这个机会将这首刚完成的作品给原唱者听一听,看看能不能过关这样子!结果他表现得十分兴奋,跟我说好像是在听玉置浩二(日本歌手)的感觉,一样的那麽深情,一样的那麽让人容易动容。能得到原唱者的嘉许,我终于放下了心头大石!   小哥,这一次能够翻唱您的经典作品真的感到很荣幸,希望你会喜欢我这一次的演绎方式,更希望的是很快有机会再跟您同台合作!   製作人张亚东的话: 製作这首歌让我重新认识这首歌,再次让我感受到单纯的美妙;唱歌能够打动别人在我的看法其实跟技巧并没有直接的关联,听着小莫唱这首歌让我有全新的体会,我是深深被这首歌打动到!  

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Hong Kong
September 4, 2008