Karen Mok
演员, 歌手
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Hui Wei CD is Officially Released in China|回蔚CD正式在中國發行了|回蔚CD正式在中国发行了

How is everybody? I’m very happy because I gave myself a one week holiday. I took some time out to relax and had a really good break! Now I’ve got to re-gather my thoughts, work hard and prepare for work that’s going to come~! How about you? Did you all have an enjoyable Lunar New Year? Did you get lots of red packets? I hope that every one of you will have a good beginning in the year of the tiger!

I’m definitely going to work even harder for the New Year. During the year, I’m going to continue with my <2010 Hui Wei Karen Mok Concert Tour>, and I’m going to make a new album. Hopefully the album will be released in the middle of the year. Last year, I released in digital format and I was very touched by all your support, but I also know there were many friends who made great efforts to request that I release the album as a CD. So, at the end of last year in late December, Universal Music (UMG) released a limited edition of the CD in Hong Kong and Taiwan as a token to all of my supportive fans!

Today, I have some good news for my fans in China. You don’t need to be jealous of other fans anymore because from the 10th of March onwards, will be released in various areas across China! If you’d like to buy the collector’s edition to take home or give to friends as a gift, remember to check out stores around the country that sell original CDs~! 

| 大家好嗎?很開心能夠給自己放了一個長假期,去好好地放鬆一下!現在要馬上收拾心情,努力去迎接接下來的工作了 ~!你們又怎麼樣呢?大家農曆新年過得開心嗎?有沒有拿到很多紅包呢?希望您們每一個人都可以在虎年有個好的開始!


新的一年我一定要更加努力工作,今年當然繼續會有 <回蔚莫文蔚巡迴演唱會 2010>,也會製作一張全新專輯,希望能在年中的時候推出;而上一年推出的 <回蔚

用了數位專輯方式發佈得到您們的支持實在很感動,不過也有很多朋友強力要求,說可否將這張專輯推出 CD,環球唱片在去年的十二月底在香港及臺灣地區也發行了限量版CD去回饋各位愛護我的歌迷了!


會陸續在中國各地發行了!大家如果想要買回家珍藏或送給朋友的話,記得要去售賣正版 CD的商店逛一逛了 ~!


| 大家好吗?很开心能够给自己放了一个长假期,去好好地放鬆一下!现在要马上收拾心情,努力去迎接接下来的工作了 ~!你们又怎麽样呢?大家农曆新年过得开心吗?有没有拿到很多红包呢?希望您们每一个人都可以在虎年有个好的开始!   新的一年我一定要更加努力工作,今年当然继续会有 <回蔚莫文蔚巡迴演唱会 2010>,也会製作一张全新专辑,希望能在年中的时候推出 ;而上一年推出的 <回蔚

用了数位专辑方式发佈得到您们的支持 实在很感动,不过也有很多朋友强力要求,说可否将这张专辑推出 CD,环球唱片在去年的十二月底在香港及台湾地区也发行了限量版CD去回馈各位爱护我的歌迷了! 今天我有个好消息要给国内的朋友,你们再也不用羡慕其他人了,因为在三月十日开始,<回蔚 会陆续在中国各地发行了!大家如果想要买回家珍藏或送给朋友的话,记得要去售卖正版 CD的商店逛一逛了 ~!  

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Hong Kong
September 4, 2008