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China's National Treasure|中國國寶|中国国宝

This time on my trip to Sichuan, apart from visiting the disaster victims affected by the devastating earthquake, I also went to visit one of China’s National Treasures – the panda. I felt extremely sad and upset when I found out that a panda lost their lives in the earthquake. And the other pandas that survived the terrifying experience were evidently distressed. Fortunately, they received the appropriate care and assistance from the government and conservationists; now they’re living in a healthy environment.

When I first saw the pandas, there were several times where we felt like strangers but very soon we became good friends. Look at them. They’re in my arms acting like a little child!

These pandas are only six months old and they love to sleep all the time. When they wake up, they start to eat.

At the moment, a lot of the pandas have been relocated to the Giant Panda Research Center in Yaan to be raised and receive professional treatment. Seeing how they have a comfortable place to settle in right now makes me feel a little more relieved.

Our national treasure is honestly very precious. We all need to love and cherish them!


今次四川之行, 除了探訪了受地震影響的災民外, 我還探訪了中國的國寶-熊貓. 知道有熊貓因為地震而離開我們, 心理都感到萬分難過. 另外部份熊貓經歷地震後都十分驚慌, 幸好得到政府和保育專家的適當的照料, 現在他們都能健康成長.

初次見面, 我倆初時有點陌生, 但很快我們便變成朋友了, 看看它還在我懷中撒嬌呢!

只有六個月大的熊貓很愛睡覺, 睡飽便開始吃.

現在大部份熊貓已經移遷到雅安育嬰研究中心接受專業的治療和飼養.  看到它們現在有個舒適的窩, 真的稍感安慰.

我們的國寶真的很珍貴, 大家要一起愛惜他們啊!


今次四川之行, 除了探访了受地震影响的灾民外, 我还探访了中国的国宝-熊猫. 知道有熊猫因为地震而离开我们, 心理都感到万分难过. 另外部份熊猫经历地震后都十分惊慌, 幸好得到政府和保育专家的适当的照料, 现在他们都能健康成长.

初次见面, 我俩初时有点陌生, 但很快我们便变成朋友了, 看看它还在我怀中撒娇呢!

只有六个月大的熊猫很爱睡觉, 睡饱便开始吃.

现在大部份熊猫已经移迁到雅安育婴研究中心接受专业的治疗和饲养.  看到它们现在有个舒适的窝, 真的稍感安慰.

我们的国宝真的很珍贵, 大家要一起爱惜他们啊!

about 15 years ago 0 likes  26 comments  0 shares


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