my illustration appearedin this book. 『レイアウトデザインのルール』(the rule of layout design)
this i...Read more
Copyright(c)"MITSUKO ONODERA"2008 All Right Reserved
Copyright(c)"MITSUKO ONODERA"2008 All Right Reserved
water color,colored pencil on paper
Speaking of spring,you know what brings to mind?
山菜(edible wild plants) convey the flavor of spring.
and...this is たらの芽(Taranome/Japanese angelica tree).↓
Hi,I'm 100-centimeter-tall シノワさん(mademoiselle chinoise)♪
Nice to meet you!
this girl is my original doll,named『シノワさん/Mademoiselle Chinoise』.
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i made this doll for the first time 5 years ago.
この人形を初めて作ったのは 5年前でした。
and....in 2006,i made 11 dolls again.辛苦ar~~
for my exhibition 'BONJOUR HONG KONG'
何故か(Tuesday, Apr 8, 2008 7:04AM)にentryした「HONG KONG 3/28~4/2/2008」の訪問者数が飛び抜けて多い。
日本から見に来て下さった方だとすると、もしかして張國榮(Leslie Cheung)の"Miss You Much Leslie 繼續寵愛音樂會"やその他のイベントの様子をご覧になりたくて来て下さったのかも。
do you know this site?
http://alllooksame.com/ : China, Japan, Korea: What's the difference? Do they all look the same, or are they very distinct? Is there any truth to the stereotype, or is it ignorance? Well,enter the exam roomand find out for yourself. We have eight tests in different categories such as face, art, architecture, and food. Remember: We are not here to make a statement; it's a question. Good luck and enjoy.
Hi! I'm a Tokyo based illustrator.