演员, 作曲家, 音乐监製, 歌手
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SPECTRUM album release press conference

According to the website, it’s been almost 6 months since my last blog update.  Sorry guys!  Long time no see!! 

On to why I haven’t updated in so long… ever since the beginning of 2010, I’ve been trying to keep my promise of bringing more new music by working hard on my second album “超越东西” (Spectrum).  Way back in 2008 when I first started making music with my current producer Chiu Tsang Hei, I had the idea of writing a musical trilogy.  The point was to somehow record my growth as a person and as a artist between my debut and the two years proceeding.  My first album “超越声音” (Beyond Singing) was about a stage in my life where I was excited to experiment, challenge, and  reinvent.  Having taken the songs from that album to different places and audiences, I started to ask myself certain questions about why I was making music and for whom I was singing.  These questions led me to my second album “Spectrum”.

To me, “Spectrum” is a series of cultural and spiritual reflections.  The Chinese name “超越东西” contains the characters 东西 which mean both “east /west” as well as “things”.  The characters 超越 mean to go beyond or to transcend.  With this album, I hoped to make music that was both culturally Eastern and Western while staying true to my personal messages.

After months of hard work, I’m proud to say that “Spectrum” was finally launched on June 1st at a press conference at Langham Hotel in Tsim Sha Tsui.  On the day, I performed three tracks from my new album (“心足”, “东西”, “你们好”) and made a few important announcements.

A lot of good friends and collaborators graced the event, including singer-songwriter star Hins Cheung and internationally acclaimed composer Leon Ko. 

Also present were 6 representatives from Avex Japan.  We announced that day that I would be joining Avex starting June 2010 as their newest pan-Asian solo artist.

Grammy award winning producer Eliot Kennedy, Grammy award winning videographer Brian Grant and critically acclaimed TV host Jon Niermann were there too, announcing my participation in a new pan-Asian talent search called “Project Lotus” as a songwriter and celebrity coach.

A lot of information, I know, so I’ll write more about each of these parties in more detail later, haha.  The point is, the past year has really been a rollercoaster ride with so many opportunities presenting themselves at the same time.  On top of being incredibly grateful for all of this good fortune, I’ve been working hard on preparing myself to meet each of these challenges as they come.

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uac3ZtDHNFI A big “thank you” to my friends, family and fans for your continued support!  Much love to you!!  Look out for some new sounds and a new “me” very very soon!

                                                        |           各位好久不見了!原來已經接近半年沒有更新blog,真不好意思。

好,讓我先說說這些時間我做過什麼 – 就由2010之初開始說起吧!我曾承諾過要為大家帶來更多新音樂,這段日子我一直在埋首於製作新專輯《超越東西》。早於08年剛開始和監製趙增熹合作時,我已經有創作一個「音樂三部曲」的念頭,以記錄自己在音樂創作、以至個人的成長。第一張專輯《超越聲音》標誌著我當時渴望創新、勇於嘗試和挑戰的人生階段。在與很多不同地方的人和聽眾討論這張專輯的過程中,我開始問自己:我為什麼要做音樂?我為誰人而唱?而這些問題引領了我去構思第二張專輯《超越東西》。

對我來說,《超越東西》是文化和心靈的反映 --「東西」既可指東西方文化,也是物質的「東西」;希望我的音樂在表現東西方文化的同時,亦繼續保留我的個人風格,做到 – 超越‧東西。


另外日本Avex 公司亦有六位代表到來,我將會正式簽約Avex成為他們的一份子!心情實在興奮!

當天到來的還有來自美國和英國的朋友,他們包括曾獲格林美獎項的製作人Eliot Kennedy 和Brian Grant, 以及著名清談節目主持人Jon Niermann,我將會以唱作歌手及嘉賓導師的身份參與由他們策劃亞太女子新星選拔賽 《Project Lotus》。


Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uac3ZtDHNFI 還有,一定要說的是感謝所有朋友、fans和家人的支持和鼓勵!我愛你們!


好,让我先说说这些时间我做过什麽 – 就由2010之初开始说起吧!我曾承诺过要为大家带来更多新音乐,这段日子我一直在埋首于製作新专辑《超越东西》。早于08年刚开始和监製赵增熹合作时,我已经有创作一个「音乐三部曲」的念头,以记录自己在音乐创作、以至个人的成长。第一张专辑《超越声音》标志着我当时渴望创新、勇于尝试和挑战的人生阶段。在与很多不同地方的人和听众讨论这张专辑的过程中,我开始问自己:我为什麽要做音乐?我为谁人而唱?而这些问题引领了我去构思第二张专辑《超越东西》。

对我来说,《超越东西》是文化和心灵的反映 --「东西」既可指东西方文化,也是物质的「东西」;希望我的音乐在表现东西方文化的同时,亦继续保留我的个人风格,做到 – 超越‧东西。


另外日本Avex 公司亦有六位代表到来,我将会正式签约Avex成为他们的一份子!心情实在兴奋!

当天到来的还有来自美国和英国的朋友,他们包括曾获格林美奖项的製作人Eliot Kennedy 和Brian Grant, 以及着名清谈节目主持人Jon Niermann,我将会以唱作歌手及嘉宾导师的身份参与由他们策划亚太女子新星选拔赛 《Project Lotus》。


Video: http: //www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uac3ZtDHNFI& lt;br>还有,一定要说的是感谢所有朋友、fans和家人的支持和鼓励!我爱你们!

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the avex thing is HUGEEEEEE!
接近 14 年 ago


My Website: www.jon-wong.com Twitter: www.twitter.com/jonwong63 Sina blog: http://t.sina.com.cn/jonwongzixuan Japanese Website: http://www.avexnet.or.jp/jona


Hong Kong
June 27, 2009