Official Artist
joelatay wowtv
Producer , MC / Show Host , Singer
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busy busy busy

crazy crazy crazy

this sums up my missing days from here.

I can only say,this time I've really met my challenge,

and believe it or not,

i m not doing this for me,myself........

otherwsie I would have quitted already.

seeing things unfold in ways u never thought of is exhausting,what this lead to,

and why?  i can only humbly wait.....day by day, moment by moment...

The price for this task........................



over 15 years ago 0 likes  1 comments  0 shares


a journey of feeling content. Everyday i pray this little prayer sometimes with my eyes closed sometimes not..... let me be real let me be honest let m

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Languages Spoken
english, cantonese, mandarin
Location (City, Country)
Toronto, Canada
Member Since
November 15, 2008