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JJ Lin
Actor , Composer , Singer
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謝謝你,2018 讓我今年過得如此精彩,充滿意義... Thank you, 2018 For being so amazing and full of meaning...

這一年來 In this time, I have

重新認識了信念。 發現到在最不可能的情況下 相信一切有可能:讓奇蹟發生(聲) Re-avowed my beliefs And come to realize that the phenomenal can happen, with faith in face of the impossible

體會到珍惜。 要有一顆感恩的心 你才能夠看得到這個世界真正的美 Understood that only with appreciation and gratitude in our hearts, we can see true beauty in this world

懂得了釋懷。 要懂捨、懂得 因為這個世界不斷的轉動 會得到,也會失去 沒有任何一樣東西,真正屬於自己 Learnt to let go; as the world moves along, we will give some and take some from it. Nothing belongs to you absolutely.

學習到容忍。 疼痛時要忍耐,而不是失控 更不要二度傷害 因為世界上已經有太多難過的事情了 Acquired tolerance. Bear with pain when you're hurt, as losing control leads to deeper hurt. There's enough sadness around us.

領悟到等待。 凡事都要給自己一些時間 因為時間讓我們把自己看得更清晰 得以正視內心深處的自己 也會帶給我們更完整的治癒 Realized the need for pause, to give ourselves some time. Time can help with clearer and deeper self reflection. And of course, time heals us too.

謝謝你,我的家人 總是期待著我回家,陪伴著我巡迴 給予我最大的包容和寵愛 Many thanks to my family Pining for my every homecoming, accompanying on my travels, bearing with me, and pampering me.

謝謝你,我工作領域的戰友們 給予我最大的信任 一起踏入新的領域 以最真誠的態度和笑容 面對所有的困難與挑戰 跟你們一起肩並肩努力 是讓我最快樂的事... Many thanks to my partners at work, for entrusting me unconditionally, on our new endeavors. Facing trials and tribulations with all your hearts and smiles. It gives me the greatest joy to work together with all of you.

謝謝你,我的JM 有了你們的陪伴 這一年的「聖所」世界巡迴才是完整 聽到你們愛的鼓勵 我的心跳才是真實 只因有你們 所有的成果才是意義 Thank you, my JM Without your presence, the Sanctuary World Tour cannot be complete Without you cheering me on, my heartbeat would not be so resounding Because of you, our work take on its purpose and meaning.

謝謝你,我身邊的朋友們 總是願意體諒我,鼓勵我 開心的時候一起喝采 難過的時候予以扶持 Thank you, my dear friends For your constant understanding and encouragement, For sharing happy moments together, And supporting me through difficult ones.

謝謝你,《夢想的聲音》 因為你,我成長了 也因為你,我進階了 Thank you, “Sound Of My Dreams”, Because of you, I have grown, And advanced.

謝謝你,《聖所》 我們的旅途才正要啟程 世界的各個角落,正在等待著... 2.0 Thank you, “Sanctuary” Our journey has just begun.
As every corner of the world awaits... 2.0

心灵的圣所一起吗 #林俊杰进阶 #2019

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