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July 21, 2007: Experiences with Master Sheng Yen | 2007年7月21日: 和聖嚴法師的因緣 | 2007年7月21日: 和圣严法师的因缘

You might have heard that in 1997 I had a chance meeting with a Tibetan Buddhist Master which started me on a path of spiritual discovery and a search for the meaning of my life.  Since that time, I have travelled to visit, or invited teachers to come visit and lecture.  Being a beginner I still have many questions about the technical terms used in Buddhism.

In my personal studies I have read many Buddhist books, among them are those of Master Sheng Yen.  His use of modern terminology to explain Buddhist concepts has been very beneficial to my studies.  In 2001 a friend invited me to Taiwan to meet with Master Sheng Yen and hold a public discussion.  At the time I felt that I didn't properly understand Buddhism and didn't have the nerve to hold a public discussion with a well-known master, so I declined.

In 2003 I stopped working for a half year and took time to study.  The friend in Taiwan once again invited me to have a public discussion with Master Sheng Yen.  This time I accepted.  The main reason was to take the opportunity to meet with Master Sheng Yen and ask several question that I had been contemplating.

I was very appreciative to have this opportunity to share my limited understanding of Buddhism through the discussion.  Afterwards Master Sheng Yen asked that, if I had time, to join him in a 10 day meditation retreat of Silent Illumination he was holding in upstate New York.  I'll never forget this once-in-a-lifetime experience.

The 10 day meditation retreat truly was a life-changing experience and was very different from the 2 week Tibetan Buddhism meditation retreat in Qinghai.  The people in Qinghai were very affectionate.  Though it was a closed retreat there were still a lot of people taking care of me day and night. For example, they would bring food and drink, and all I needed to do was sit there every day for 2 weeks.

The Chinese Chan (Zen) meditation retreat in upstate New York was very different.  We got out of bed at 4:00 a.m. each morning to begin the meditation sessions.  Each session is 45 minutes long with 10 minutes in between for resting.  Aside from meals and cleaning, you are only spending these 45 minute sessions of sitting or walking meditation.  10 days of complete silence.  This is the first time I have lived among a group of people and have had no one request pictures or autographs.  In the last 20 years, aside from when I shut myself up at home and don't go out, this is the first time that I've spent a long period of time, with no interruptions, to concentrate and focus inwardly, to develop my self-awareness.

70% of the participants were westerners.  There were many famous phychiatrists and biologists among the group.  But here everyone has equal status.  Everyone is the same, each with their own set cleaning chores such as cleaning the latrine, sweeping or mopping the floors -- even showering was scheduled.  To me this 10 day experience is one I will never forget.

I've met Master Sheng Yen twice in an exchange of learning.  The experiences have been uploaded on to the "Come Together" website.  You are most welcome to take a read.  The English Translation will be posted up as soon as it's completed.




http://www.cometogetherfoundation.org/index_zen.retreat.php|大家可能從一些報導上了解, 我在1997年有機緣認識一位藏傳佛教的老師, 便開始踏上尋找生命意義的心靈旅程。之後在每部電影拍攝中間的空檔,我會到各地去參訪學習, 或者請老師們到家裏上課。身為一個初學者, 我對於佛教的專有名詞, 仍有許多疑惑。

在學習的過程中, 我看了很多佛教書籍。其中以聖嚴法師的書較多。法師以現代化的語言文字, 闡述佛教人間化的思想,使我在學習的過程中受用不少。在2001年, 有朋友邀請我到臺灣和聖嚴法師辦一場公開對談。我當時對佛教還不夠了解,沒有勇氣和一位大修行者公開對話。當時就很膽怯而沒有去。

2003年我決定停下手邊的工作, 花半年的時間去修行。臺灣的朋友們再度邀請我和聖嚴法師公開對談。這次我接受了邀請。此行最主要的目的,是借機會向聖嚴法師求法, 厘清對佛法的疑問。我很榮幸有這樣的機會, 和法師在公開場合分享自己對佛教很粗淺的感想。後來法師問我,有沒有機會給他點時間? 抽空到紐約上州參加由他帶領的禪十, 一個禁語十天的禪修活動。 也就有了後來畢生難忘的默照禪十之旅。

禪十真的是人生一大經歷. 這和在青海的兩周閉關不同。青海的朋友們很熱情, 當時雖說是閉關,都有很多人日夜不停地在照顧我這位修行者。例如送飯, 茶水等服務, 我只要坐在哪裏每天修就可以了。但是在紐約上州的禪十就不同。

我們每天早上四點起床, 每一柱香45分鐘的打坐, 然後休息十分鐘, 再進行下一柱香45分鐘的禪修。從早到晚除了吃飯和打掃時間,就是每次45分鐘的禪堂坐禪和戶外行禪交替。十天中完全禁語。這是我第一次在人群中過生活, 卻沒有任何人打擾我,沒有要簽名照相。這是20多年來, 除了我把自己關在家不出門的情況下, 頭一次長時間在不被幹擾的情況下, 專心向內反觀自己。

參加的禪眾有70%都是外國人。 其中不乏很多著名學府的心理學, 物理學的教授學者, 研究生等。在此地人人平等,每個人都必須做好被分配的打掃工作, 像洗廁所, 掃地, 擦地板等等. 連洗澡都有固定分配時間。這對我來說是畢生難忘的十天經歷。

與聖嚴法師的兩次學法因緣, 現在都已放在有緣人網站。有興趣了解的朋友, 歡迎有興趣的朋友來看看:無名問無明 ****象岡禪十的前與後****|大家可能从一些报导上了解, 我在1997年有机缘认识一位藏传佛教的老师, 便开始踏上寻找生命意义的心灵旅程。之后在每部电影拍摄中间的空档,我会到各地去参访学习, 或者请老师们到家里上课。身为一个初学者, 我对于佛教的专有名词, 仍有许多疑惑。

在学习的过程中, 我看了很多佛教书籍。其中以圣严法师的书较多。法师以现代化的语言文字, 阐述佛教人间化的思想,使我在学习的过程中受用不少。在2001年, 有朋友邀请我到台湾和圣严法师办一场公开对谈。我当时对佛教还不够了解,没有勇气和一位大修行者公开对话。当时就很胆怯而没有去。

2003年我决定停下手边的工作, 花半年的时间去修行。 台湾的朋友们再度邀请我和圣严法师公开对谈。这次我接受了邀请。此行最主要的目的,是借机会向圣严法师求法, 厘清对佛法的疑问。我很荣幸有这样的机会, 和法师在公开场合分享自己对佛教很粗浅的感想。后来法师问我,有没有机会给他点时间? 抽空到纽约上州参加由他带领的禅十, 一个禁语十天的禅修活动。 也就有了后来毕生难忘的默照禅十之旅。

禅十真的是人生一大经历. 这和在青海的两周闭关不同。青海的朋友们很热情, 当时虽说是闭关,都有很多人日夜不停地在照顾我这位修行者。例如送饭, 茶水等服务, 我只要坐在哪里每天修就可以了。但是在纽约上州的禅十就不同。

我们每天早上四点起床, 每一柱香45分钟的打坐, 然后休息十分钟, 再进行下一柱香45分钟的禅修。从早到晚除了吃饭和打扫时间,就是每次45分钟的禅堂坐禅和户外行禅交替。十天中完全禁语。这是我第一次在人群中过生活, 却没有任何人打扰我,没有要签名照相。这是20多年来, 除了我把自己关在家不出门的情况下, 头一次长时间在不被干扰的情况下, 专心向内反观自己。

参加的禅众有70%都是外国人。 其中不乏很多著名学府的心理学, 物理学的教授学者, 研究生等。在此地人人平等,每个人都必须做好被分配的打扫工作, 像洗厕所, 扫地, 擦地板等等. 连洗澡都有固定分配时间。这对我来说是毕生难忘的十天经历。

与圣严法师的两次学法因缘, 现在都已放在有缘人网站。有兴趣了解的朋友, 欢迎有兴趣的朋友来看看:

无名问无明 象冈禅十的前与后

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Shanghai, China
March 24, 2007