Official Artist
Jeanne Hartman
Actor , Director
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We can rise above the small things.

Dear Friends at AnD.

I was so proud today watching the changing of the guard in my country.  I know it is easy to criticize.  We all do it and so often.   But I looked at almost 2 million people shoved together so close and yet there were no arrests, no incidents.  So it can be done.  People can live with each other in harmony.   It was more important to share hope and an event that meant so much to so many of us than to let small problems get in the way. 

I only wish we could all do this more of the time.  I include myself in this.  I don't think anyone can be let off the hook! 

Those of you who were interested have already seen many many photos and videos and they are there for you to see but I just wanted to share that  this was a great example of how people can rise above small grievances for a greater cause.  

It was a strong reminder to myself and I hope to many others.  When the cause it bigger than our small differences we can let those go. 

Bless you all and I hope that these feelings continue across the world.


almost 16 years ago 0 likes  4 comments  0 shares
Jasontobin 82 jasontobin
Well said, Jeanne! It brought a gentle smile to my face as I watched him become the 44th president and I realized it was because I feel hopeful of the future.
almost 16 years ago


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