Official Artist
Janet Hsieh
Actor , MC / Show Host
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主持時報華文廣告金像獎 (今天晚上10點在中視!!)

我昨天跟一個很厲害很厲害的黃子佼住持了Times Asia-Pacific Advertising Awards. 他真的很厲害, 我還有很多腰學。 昨天, 真的幾乎都是他在帶真個星辰。 看他住持我真的很inspired! 地一個我的中文還要進步! 我有的時候(很多時候) 跟不上 其他的人在講的話!而且, 我對台灣的新聞也不夠了解。 我知道我們沒有很多時間在台灣但是我還是可以多看看彎路的新聞。 這樣, 我的中文應該也會進步把! 哈哈哈。

我昨天真的是要謝謝那麼厲害的住持人在我旁邊。 我學了很多。 我昨天最大的遺憾。 最大的然我頭痛讓我真個晚上都一直嗎我自己是ending 的時候。 我只要好好的講一個東西。。。 很簡單。

我只要跟觀眾說“明天晚上10點會在中視播出。” 我講錯了!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 我說“中天”!!!!!!!!

好笨好笨好笨 :(:(

I still have so much to learn and in many ways to improve. Yesterday's ceremony went very well and very smoothly, mostly thanks to the organizers and of course, Jiao Jiao! he was incredible. the other guests and invitees were also really great on stage, so it was a wonderful experience overall. I wish I could have done more on MY part, but Jiao Jiao was very patient and helpful. I know I have really learned from yesterday's ceremony and I hope I have many more to go to continue to learn and improve.

I'm sure you'll be seeing photos in the papers, but until then, TONIGHT you can watch the ceremony!

今天晚上在中視中視中視中視中視中視!!! 晚上10點。



over 13 years ago 0 likes  2 comments  0 shares
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congrats. please share some pics if you can!
over 13 years ago


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