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Ivy Lam
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My twin? :)

For the last few days on the movie shoot, one of the crew members kept accidentally mixing me up with Renee. She kept calling me Renee, while calling Renee Ivy... and then corrected herself right afterwards. It was pretty amusing...

According to her, Renee and I look kind of alike from the back and side profile.... I suppose we're both the same height (shorties), same length of straight black hair, we've both been wearing baby tees everyday, and we both occasionally wear glasses and sometimes put our hair up in ponytails on the same day. Next time, we should put more planning into sync-ing up our hair and wardrobe... that'll really confuse her! haha

Here's a photo of me and Renee taken last night at a club opening. Do we look alike at all? :) (Never mind me being much more red-faced after one drink. hehe)

Here are a few other pictures from last night's party stop. After a long day (and long week, for that matter, that included like 6 straight days of filming, 2 of which were all-nighters), a bunch of us stopped by a club opening in Central for drinks. Some of us (like Kit, the exhausted director) especially needed a drink... :)

With Terence, Renee, Kit, and Kate

With Renee and Jane doing the wide-eyed pose thing.. haha

With Renee and Kit

almost 17 years ago 0 likes  10 comments  0 shares
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kate is yeungkate!
almost 17 years ago


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