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Ines Laimins
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New Year's night with Bank Job and NEVER N!!!!

Nights that are not planned always turn out to be the best!!  A friend and I had by chance met up with some of the singers with Bank Job a few days ago, they invited us to hear them at the Wanch, 10:30pm start on New Year's night.  We thought at least we would show up, listen, see how the night went.  So here's the interesting thing about them, the lead singer Jason is the son of the lead singer of a UK band called Caravan.  Guess they were happening in the 70s/80s, my girlfriend knew the group but I had never heard of it. Here is their link to follow where Bank Job plays next:


Never did I think I'd be listening to a very awesome local band until 2am!!  There guys were great, and the place being so small was packed with a 100 or more fans had great energy.  I had no idea who they were, but the guy on drums was cool with hair down to his waist, the 2 guitar guys were great musicians and the front guy had awesome energy. 

Can't say that heavy metal is my thing but I'd go see NEVER N again. Here is a youtube video someone posted:

Happy New Year!!!

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wzAy1TYf0BA

over 13 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares


Actor, photographer, writer, yogi based in Hong Kong....I create stuff http://www.imdb.me/ineslaimins/

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