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Chinese TV series "The Patriot Yue Fei" Trailer. 电视剧<精忠岳飞>预告片

Video: http://you.video.sina.com.cn/api/sinawebApi/outplayrefer.php/vid=73267306_0/s.swf

大约 12 年 前 0 赞s  1 评论  0 shares

Man of Tai Chi 拍摄好莱坞电影<太极侠>

Man of Tai Chi, set and filmed in Beijing and HongKong, is a  Hollywood action film directed by Keanu Reeves.  Staring Keanu Reeves, Tiger Chen, and Karen Mok.  Action Director and Choreographer, Woo-ping Yuen ,

I had the honor of playing the role of a kung-fu fighting “Monk” in the movie.  It was a great privilege to work with Keanu, Tiger, and Master Yuen.   A special thanks to Mike Leeder for his part in securing this role for me.   

Man of Tai Chi comes to theaters in 2013. 

非常有幸参演好莱坞动作电影<太极侠&...Read more

大约 12 年 前 0 赞s  4 评论s  0 shares

Shooting a Chinese TV series."Yue Fei. The Legend" 拍摄电视连续剧<精忠岳飞>

"Yue Fei.  The Legend" is a Chinese TV series, produced by Mr. Stanley Tong.  Shooting commenced in November, 2011, in Beijing.  The shooting completion will take place on location in Wuxi.   My character’s name in the TV series is Duyanlong.   A special thanks to my teacher Mr. Tong for this wonderful opportunity.

<精忠岳飞>是唐季礼先生监制的大型电视连续剧,于2011年11月在北京开机,即将在无锡杀青. 我在剧中饰演-独眼龙, 特别感谢我的老师唐季礼先生给了我这次难得的机会.

Horse riding practice prior to shooting.开机前学骑马.Read more

12 年多 前 0 赞s  2 评论s  0 shares

Graduated from Action Star Training Course in Shanghai Theatre Academy 上海戏剧学院的动作明星培训班毕业了!

After six months of studying at Stanley Tong's Action Star Training Course in Shanghai Theatre Academy, our studies concluded last week.  The course offered a variety of classes which included Action Training, Shaolin Kungfu, Acting, Voice, Actor's Lines, and Dance.  It has been an incredible experience to have studied under Stanley Tong, and with other well-known directors and action directors, Gordon Chan, Huayang Fu, Dion Lam, Yuen Tak, and Ailen Sit (Sit Ch...Read more

大约 13 年 前 0 赞s  5 评论s  0 shares

Action Star Training Course in Shanghai 动作明星培训班在上海开学了!

Students and guests at the opening ceremony. 


The founder of the course, Stanley Tong.  


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13 年多 前 0 赞s  6 评论s  0 shares

Xiangfei International WingTsun Taichi Kungfu Club 相飞国际咏春太极功夫俱乐部

My friend Jiangxiangfei and I opened "Xiangfei International WingTsun TaiChi KungFu Club" in my hometown of Linyi City in Shandong Province. It is the only place that teaches south- style WingTsun in the city.

前天,我的好兄弟蒋相飞和我在我们的家乡山东临沂市义堂新开了一家功夫俱乐部, 俱乐部的名字叫"相飞国际咏春太极功夫俱乐部",这是在我们城市里唯一的一家以教授南派功夫咏春拳和北派功夫太极拳为主的功夫俱乐部.

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13 年多 前 0 赞s  1 评论  0 shares

Director Stanley Tong's "Action Star Training Course" in Shanghai Theatre Academy China 唐季礼导演和上海戏剧学院合办的动作明星训练班.

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13 年多 前 0 赞s  3 评论s  0 shares

Taichi Training 太极拳训练营

Training with CCTV organized  "Top 36 Taichi Fighter's Training Battalion."  HuaiAn City, Jiangsu Province.  2010年中央电视台武林大会太极拳总决赛36强训练营在淮安进行为期一个月的训练!

Only four of us  from Shandong province. 只有我们四人来自于山东.

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接近 14 年 前 0 赞s  2 评论s  0 shares

Reshooting in Nanhai studio 回到南海片场拍戏

Shooting more action scenes for at Nanhai Studio.

上周,我回到南海片场为电影《The Blood Bond》加拍两场打戏,非常高兴能够再次见到我的一些老朋友并认识了很多新朋友。

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接近 14 年 前 0 赞s  3 评论s  0 shares

在片场教太极拳 Teaching Taichi on the set

在“ The Blood Bond ” 这部电影中我的主要工作是教女主角太极拳,因为她在戏中是突出使用太极拳的打法。下面是几张我们在片场的照片,那位小姑娘是扮演女主角幼年的演员。

Since "The Blood Bond" fighting style is based on Taichi, my primary responsibility for the movie was to teach the leading actress Taichi.  The following pictures were taken on the set while I was teaching the leading actress and the little girl who portrayed the actress as a young girl. 

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14 年多 前 0 赞s  6 评论s  0 shares


There is an old Shaolin edict that reads: Run before you fight Fight before you injure Injure before you maim Maim before you kill


english, cantonese, mandarin
Guangdong, China
November 23, 2007