动作导演, 演员, 体育
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Graduated from Action Star Training Course in Shanghai Theatre Academy 上海戏剧学院的动作明星培训班毕业了!

After six months of studying at Stanley Tong's Action Star Training Course in Shanghai Theatre Academy, our studies concluded last week.  The course offered a variety of classes which included Action Training, Shaolin Kungfu, Acting, Voice, Actor's Lines, and Dance.  It has been an incredible experience to have studied under Stanley Tong, and with other well-known directors and action directors, Gordon Chan, Huayang Fu, Dion Lam, Yuen Tak, and Ailen Sit (Sit Chun Wai).  A special thanks to Stanley Tong and each of the directors and instructors for making the course a success.

经过六个月的学习,唐季礼导演在上海戏剧学院举办的动作明星培训班在上周毕业了. 我们有不同种类的课程比如动作特技,少林功夫,表演,声乐,台词,和舞蹈......我们非常有幸能够有机会向唐季礼导演及其他几位知名导演和动作导演学习. 陈嘉上,傅华阳,林迪安,元德,薛春炜.....特别感谢唐导和全体老师们的辛勤努力使培训班顺利举办成功.

Commencement Ceremony毕业典礼

Some roles that I played.  我扮演的不同角色 .

Director Stanley Tong teaching the classes. 唐季礼导演在给我们上课.

Director Huayang Fu (Kungfu Pop, No Limit)  傅华阳导演 < 精舞门, 无极限>

Action director Dion Lam(Spider-man 2,The Matrix) 动作导演林迪安<蜘蛛侠2, 黑客帝国>

Action director Yuen Tak (Gallants,Shaolin) 动作导演元德< 打擂台,新少林寺>

Our action training teachers. Action director Ailen Sit (Let The Bullets Fly, Shaolin Soccer)

我们的动作特技老师们. 动作导演薛春炜 < 让子弹飞, 少林足球 >

Shaolin master Shi Yong Zhi     少林大师释永智.

Shaolin Kungfu Training  在练习少林功夫 .





接近 13 年 前 0 赞s  5 评论s  0 shares
Photo 88831
that's my guy! Way to go! way to go! Keep us posted!
接近 13 年 ago


There is an old Shaolin edict that reads: Run before you fight Fight before you injure Injure before you maim Maim before you kill


english, cantonese, mandarin
Guangdong, China
November 23, 2007