hikaru ❤❤❤
画家, 花卉艺术家
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tropical arrangement・トロピカル~

ah~I dont like hot weather 我不喜歡很熱的天氣 暑いの嫌い

but 但是 でもね

I love tropical stuff~~~ they make me feel fresh and fun!this week,I did a lesson of tropical flower arrangement.please check it out^^

我很喜歡熱帶東西~~~ 讓我感覺很清爽和很開心呀!這個星期我教用熱帶花的插花.請你看看一下^^

トロピカルなものは大好き~~~ トロピカルは爽やかだし、気分がアゲアゲになりますね!今週はトロピカルフラワーのアレンジをレッスンしました。御覧くださいナ。

many kinds of tropical flowers.used even...mini pineapple

this is "crucma".

this is "eustoma".this one is new type.its called "mango"!I love this!jucy orange color!very lovely look.and also eustoma last long.longer than roses.we can enjoy their beauty for about more than 1 week.



mango mango mango~speaking about mango....

芒果 芒果 芒果....關於芒果....


a customer gave me this mango the other day.whats special about this mango??maybe my japanese friends notice it this one is called"tai you no ta ma go"="egg of the sun".specially have been grown in miyazaki.they wait until its all riped and naturally drop to the ground(on the net).it has only one mango with one branch.they choose the best one to ripe perfectly.very very special mango~.sooo tasty^^and....you can imagine...

一位客人給了我芒果.什麼特別??日本人的朋友會想像我的意思... 這個芒果叫「太陽の卵」=「太陽的蛋」.在宮崎/日本特別栽培的.他們一直等著...在樹木上果實完全熟了,然後自然落下(在罔上)才收割.栽培只一個在一枝.好好選一個...非常特別的芒果,是不是?非常好吃!所以呢...你會想像....


its expensive~ you know in japan thing are pretty in high price...still this miyazaki mango is more....its almost 5000-7000yen for each!wow~.I dont think buying these!really appreciate who has presented them. 

貴得很~ 你知道嘛 雖然日本的東西貴一點....這個還貴得多....大概一個五千-七千日元!我不打算自己買一個!哈哈.真是感謝!很好的禮物呀.

たっかい~ 日本の物価が高いと言っても、このマンゴーはやっぱし高い!よね。最初より安くなったとはいえ、1個5-7千円くらい。ああ、絶対自分では買わない。本当に頂き物でありがたい!(って、去年も言ってたような。。。まあ、マンゴー繋がりで許して下さい)

taking a pic...already lulu is comming~:P

this is a special brand sticker for this mango~^^

lulu:wooo I cant wait~!!!

lulu:what?you dont eat it yet?  me:yes.I will eat it without you~:P


ah whatever~send you a tropical breeze~~~

have a fruitful weekend~~

接近 15 年 前 0 赞s  22 评论s  0 shares
Photo 96013
>radwynn おお~記憶力がいい! マンゴーネタ確かブログにはしてなかったような気がしてて。。。父は食べないと思います。たぶん楊枝甘露もムリでしょう(笑) そうです、これムッチャ乙女なの~。見とれる! >may 摘芒果!!!yea!!那是在香港吗? >maggie haha~綺麗な花!ゴージャス(gorgeous/这样用「-」)ですね!
接近 15 年 ago
Photo 96013
>yukinoko もうちょっと出世したら、「太陽のタマゴ」をお中元にお届けしますよ~。(期待薄すぎ?) >villea トルコは日本が一番品種改良が進んでいるみたいなので毎年新作が楽しみですよね! >moonchild I sometimes buy mangoes at supermarket too.but ofcourse they are not that pretty as this one either~. >silky thanks.I'm happy that you liked flowers^^many ppl love mangoes this time~:P >sophia thanks^^and yeah these mangoes are wrapped very pretty too^^ >cocoa 会社に「太陽のタマゴ」!!! いい会社ですね~。確か去年は立派なスイカをもらっていたよね? >MissScarlett I love mango!!!but my father doesnt like them.even this special sweet mango,he wont eat~.its ok.I can eat them all~:P >RePentZ yes~special magoes taste special...sweet and jucy...soft..melty...um...good^^ >downlau oh its true.it does look like babies.handle them very gentle.they have special net shaped wrapping!I know...its crazy high price for fruit.melon(saw in Race's blog before),peach,cherry and mango...they are all special~haha
接近 15 年 ago


I'll be back here sooner.... ☆・゜゜・☆:。.。:☆・゜゜・☆:。.。:☆・゜゜・☆:.。.。:☆・゜゜・☆ Nice to meet you.Thanks for visiting my page! I'm a floral artist and a porcelain pai


english, mandarin, japanese
June 16, 2008