Official Artist
hikaru ❤❤❤
Painter , Floral Artist
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Today..Day of EEL 土曜の丑ですから

Today it is the day should eat some EEL day 今天是伏天的丑日,所以在日本我们应该吃鳗鱼。

If you are not japanese, do you know how eel look like?

here it is. not a snake. it's fish.

cooked like this.looks so delicious to me!

BBQ EEL on steamed rice. Taste like sweet soysouce TERIYAKI.

東海地方はひつまぶし! Why today? There is complicated reason for why today, it's concerned with calender...(if you want to know ask me on message.)

Anyway,the spirit is "let's eat something good for your health in the hottest season!" Eel is very nutritious food.

Ha~~~.Today I have to work til 9:00.I can't wait 哈哈今天我到九点要工作。我想快吃烤鳗鱼和喝啤酒。


WAIT!!!待て!! Today,I will have YEBISU-KURO BEER.

over 15 years ago 0 likes  8 comments  0 shares
Photo 96013
>aoii I know it's kida Disgusting>< taste good. try if you come here. >downlau This is AD photo of one of the famous eel restaurant.
over 15 years ago
Mylovepuzzle ef mylovepuzzle
over 15 years ago


I'll be back here sooner.... ☆・゜゜・☆:。.。:☆・゜゜・☆:。.。:☆・゜゜・☆:.。.。:☆・゜゜・☆ Nice to meet you.Thanks for visiting my page! I'm a floral artist and a porcelain pai

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June 16, 2008