hikaru ❤❤❤
画家, 花卉艺术家
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The reason I don't like...鳥が苦手なの

Today's blog is dedicated to my friend PEPE She's shared with us some pics of rare beautiful chicken.now this is it!

http://www.alivenotdead.com/pepe/display-picture.html?aid_776525 and...I'm not good at handling with those fowl or big bird.small one is OK I think they are cute.


One reason is...

I was attacked by a big chicken when I was in elementary school 7years old. That chicken was pet for school.

The door of his house was open.I walked by there and suddenly he started chasing after me...kicked me..poked me.. 小学校の時って鶏とか兎とか飼育してましたよね。小1か2くらいの時鶏小屋から出ていたでっかい雄鶏に襲われたことがあります。ありえない。今だったら問題になる(笑

The another reason is...

When I traveled in Australia, we had a typical sightseeing schedule going to see nice colorful birds was a kinda bird zoo I remember.

Those birds are so called "Lorikeet".This place we suppose to feed them from hands.I had a plate with their food on and walked in the big cage...they(I felt hundred of them) came fly to me gatherd... ON ME  no~~~~!

I'm short(150cm), the birds are huge. Their claw on me so painful!was like a nightmare.

I guess I couldn't think they are cute or interesting.The other travelers looked they enjoyed OK though..

anyway, I don't like(should not say HATE them)specially their feet or face.feathers I think color is beautiful.

ichky... あと、オーストラリアに行った時のこと。観光コースにロリキートに餌をやるってのがあって、物凄い数のでっかいロリキートに群がられたことがあります。身長150センチの私にのしかかる鳥たち、悪夢のようでした。


So folks please don't bring CHICKEN/BIRDS for me

15 年多 前 0 赞s  5 评论s  0 shares
Mylovepuzzle ef mylovepuzzle
15 年多 ago


I'll be back here sooner.... ☆・゜゜・☆:。.。:☆・゜゜・☆:。.。:☆・゜゜・☆:.。.。:☆・゜゜・☆ Nice to meet you.Thanks for visiting my page! I'm a floral artist and a porcelain pai


english, mandarin, japanese
June 16, 2008