Harry Yuan
体育教练, 模特儿, 笔者
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Hong Kong Hobo: Where, what, and who to see when you are in Hong Kong

When I first began this trip, I thought “I’m going to help change the world”.  Really I just changed myself.  As the videos, photos, and blogs evolved I realized that I loved Organic Hobo.  I always knew –  but making this video was the moment that I really understood.  I had high hopes for this project to succeed, but at this point, I am willing for it to.

What is Organic Hobo?  It is our way to inspire the world to eat, move, and roll like a hobo.  OH does this through photos, vi...Read more

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El Albergue Farm: What to do if you can’t go to Machu Picchu

By  Harry:

I’m not sure if we got the memo that February is a bad month to go to Machu Picchu.  It’s the rainy season, and with the “Climate Change” happening in the world the rainy seasons are really rainy.  Both Bruce and I don’t mind the slower seasons.  It means less tourists and cheaper prices.  However, going to Machu Picchu during the rainy season wasn’t our finest choice.  But, with every problem their is an opportunity.

...Read more
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Wallaroo Slacklines in Mira Flores: Where to find the Slackline crew

By Harry

About 15 months ago Bruce and I made B-Line, a showcase to Bruce’s love for slacklining. Since then we’ve slacklined all over the world, but when we got to Lima, Peru, we really found a slacklining posy. We started with one slackline and before we knew it five other slacklines were up. Apparently, Lima has their own slackline company called Read more

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Buenos Aires: Better scene than tasted

by Bruce

Our original plan was to fly from Bogota into Rio de Janeiro in time for Christmas but lagging visas and the very strong Brazilian Real had us rethink that last minute. We decided to skip Brazil this trip and head straight to Buenos Aires, Argentina figuring we could really use the extra time to explore the second largest land mass in South America.

Buenos Aires lived up to its reputation for being the Europe of Sout...Read more

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Amazing Exclusive Race: Landscape of Bolivia through two Australians

By  Harry

It is always a pleasure to meet another hobo/traveler.  While Bruce and I were in Bolivia we had the honor of meeting a couple from Australia doing their version of the Amazing Race.

It was meant to be…Even after a Twelve hour bus ride on dirt roads we all still assimilated and laughed at the miserable bus ride the night before.  Tired and ...Read more

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Peruvian Top 10: 10 Dishes you must try in Peru

By  Harry:

When most people think of Peruvian Cuisine they think of La Mar, but in San Francisco restaurants like Limon, Fresca, and Mochicas are well known as well.  Even still La Mar can be credited for putting Peruvian Cuisine on the map, but it isn’t the  be all and end all o...Read more

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Smitten Ice Cream Beginning: How SF’s Premier Ice Cream Started

By  Harry:

Back in November Bruce and I had the pleasure of filming this great ice cream place called Smitten Ice Cream.  I highly recommend any visitors of SF to try some of our premier ice cream, Smitten.  It’s nothing fancy, just milk, sugar, and fresh fruits and other fresh ingredients, but they freeze with liquid nitrogen. If you like this video check out the first video OH did for Smitten: Read more

12 年多 前 0 赞s  1 评论  0 shares

OH is back in SF.

The trip is over but the footage has just begun…

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Action Shots: Photos that Move

By  Harry

When Organic Hobo first started Bruce and I had one video: Tacfit Warrior, the video that won us our foundation money to kick start this project.  Movement and staying fit is high on the priority list for being an Organic Hobo. But the food videos quickly followed because we had one important message: “Eating well is just as important as movement and staying fit.”  Throughout our Move...Read more

12 年多 前 0 赞s  1 评论  0 shares

Valparaiso, Chile: Worn around the edges but full of flavor and charm

by  Bruce

After a few days in Santiago, we needed to get out of that city.  Too often,  big, landlocked cities leave me feeling claustrophobic and parched.  We’d heard great stuff about  Valparaiso, Viña del Mar and  Pichilemu.  Shame w...Read more

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Don't Panic, It's Organic


english, mandarin
United States
April 17, 2007