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The 2 in 1: Fresh fruit reminder and Hobo haircuts on the road

by Bruce

Part 1.  We are still chasing summer here in South America and trying our darndest to save some coin so we can indulge at the ever impressive fruit stands that we come across. I’m merely stressing how good fruits are and that you should consume them wherever you live!  Here, watermelon is in abundance.  I think I appreciate it more now than I did when I was a youth growing up in foggy San Francisco.  Nearly everywhere we’ve been, its been amazing.  Tip for choosing watermelon:  Give it a knock witgh your middle finger knuckle and the more hollow sounding the more ripe it is.   Listen for low that low deep ‘thud’.  From Buenos Aires to Mendoza to Coquimbo and Santiago there’s been no shortage.  Its rehydrating and a great source of lycopene.  Peaches, nectarines  and plums are also in season along with strawberries and figs.  We enjoyed apricots briefly and had a wonderful salad with an apricot vinagrette in Mendoza.  If you’re ever there check out Florentino on the east side of Plaza Italia.

Theres been nothing more refreshing than an ice cold glass of fresh squeezed sandia con frutilla.  That’s watermelon and strawberry juice – mixed. Its sweet enough without having to add additional sugar.

I’m a fanatic for fresh squeezed juices.

Part 2. We are saving some money cutting our own hair.  As I mentioned before its summer down here and its hot.  I packed a pair of scissors and a cordless clipper.  There’s nothing more annoying than my long unruly curls in this heat.  I did a first trim in Mendoza thanks to the steady hands of our friend Lu.  After taming my quaff, she helped hack the locks off Harry too.  I don’t know what was worse – the heat or having to hear Harry complain every day about how he needed a haircut but didn’t want to shell out the pesos for a trim.   Well, for anyone bold enough, I strongly suggest taking a pair of scissors (and a mirror) and cutting your own hair.

Have fun and enjoy.  This has been your OH reminder to eat fruit and get a do-it-yourself haircut.

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