Official Artist
Harry Yuan
Sports Coach , Model , Author
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Budapest on 2 Wheels: Yes, that’s right, a segway tour

By  Harry

After Bruce and I finished our bike tour in Budapest, the owner of Yellow Zebra Bikes and Discover Budapest was so impressed by our video that he let us join another tour.  We gladly accepted.  This time, team OH was about to do a move tour unlike any move tour we’ve done.

In the past, I’ve looked down on Segway tours.  People always looked dorky to me, wearing helmets and riding on a silly-looking contraption.  However, like Bruce said in the video, “I will gladly wear these dorky helmets if I get to ride on a segway.”

Of course, B and I had to figure out some tricks to riding on this electric gadget.

The music track was a favorite by DJ Shadow.


1065 Budapest, Lázár utca 16, Hungary

+36 1 269 3843

about 13 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares


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