Official Artist
graphicairlines GAL
Graphic Designer , Illustrator , Painter
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klomp! auction announcement

kkkacy.jpg 經過2008設計營商周所舉辦﹐位於灣仔紅彩畫廊的木屐展覽﹐我們獲得極大成功﹔而現在我很高興宣佈﹐KLOMP! 的網絡拍賣將於2009年四月三十日開始。 若閣下欲知更多有關詳情﹐及參與競投﹐請瀏覽 www.klomp-event.com




Following the very successful display at Red Elation Gallery in Wan Chai during BODW'08, I am happy to announce that the KLOMP! on-line auction will be open from April 30th, 2009.

For more information and bidding log onto www.klomp-event.com

The starting bid for each pair of clogs will be HK$ 388. The starting bid is kept low as we wish to keep the auction accessible as to find new owners for as many clogs as possible. The auction will close on May 28th, 12 midnight. The charity cause is Oxfam Hong Kong's educational project ' teach the teacher'

Here's our Klomp!!


over 15 years ago 0 likes  1 comments  0 shares


About Graphicairlines: Established in 2002, a creative team consists of 2 people, TAT & Vi. Our aim is to enjoy the voyage of life creation. Flying to dif

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english, cantonese, mandarin
Location (City, Country)
Hong Kong
Member Since
December 8, 2007