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How Does The Girl From Ipanema Affect The Brain ...

October 12, 2010.

"Music Evoked Remembering Experiences Are Multifaceted"

Multiple brain experiences are expected to be involved and interacting using technology that diagnostically indicates why a song then becomes a "hit". Using this technology of screening the hits, you can now train musicians and artists to understand how different generations respond to certain kinds of music and why every generation will respond and agree a certain song is powerful.

  1. Perception -hearing the music.

  2. Action -singing along, form expectations.

  3. Visual -brings back mental images.

  4. Memory -retrieval of memories.

"I remember listening to this song, and John was wearing a dark blue turtle neck driving down Madison Avenue, we were stopped at the traffic light and he held my hand for the first time." 

  1. Emotion -nostalgia; enjoyment of a particular piece or scene from the past.




Luci Butler is a musician and musical therapist. She works with patients at the Music Institute with stroke, Alzheimer's and to have music bring back memories. She has also been on tour with Moby (keyboard, vocals).

I am glad to see musicians and their interactions with patients. It was fun meeting everyone yesterday discussing EEG and how the brain responds. The question is the brain stimulated by The Girl From Ipanema has now been answered.

Stay tuned for more pics!



about 14 years ago 0 likes  2 comments  0 shares
Cool. Music is emotion
about 14 years ago


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