Official Artist
Gong Wu
Composer , Musician
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The long lost updates 1-10

OK guys so we've been mega busy the past couple of months!

First and foremost thanks to everyone who's been turning up to all our shows the past couple of months! The sheer amount we played last month it almost felt like we were on tour! Big respect to the HK crowds for being so excellent! People say you guys don't move but all we've been seeing is people jumpin like crazy! we intend to keep it that way too!

Early last month we parted ways with Victor Neri, we wish him all the success in his future and hope he finds what he's looking for! Since Victor's departure we've had a good friend by the name of Masaki filling in on drums for us! He's been an amazing asset and really helped to pull our sound to the next level! We are still however looking for the most baddass drummer in Asia to come and take duties off Masaki! If you or anyone you know is up for the job, please get them in touch with us! The new drummer has to have the desire to be a rock legend and shouldn't be afraid to back up their bad attitude with hard work and dedication.

Big respect to erm RE: Spect Magazine last night!

We had a blast doing a photoshoot with NIKE for their July cover and featured section aswell as a super cool interview.

you've never seen us looking so gangster in our NIKE gear! If anyone gets a look check out my bling around my neck! haha

We've also been busying away writing new songs to get our live show really pumping. So far in the past two months we've pulled out 4 new songs to update our live set.

Once the new drummer has been confirmed we will be entering the studio for a professional record that should blow away the current rusty demo we have available to listen to at present.

Coming up in July we have a shed load of shows across the whole of Hong Kong.

We look forward to seeing you at one of them.

Check out www.gongwuband.com for details.



about 16 years ago 0 likes  3 comments  0 shares
Mariejost 26 dsc00460
Looking forward to the new material. Hope you find that drummer real soon. Drummers are the most underrated players in a band, yet they are the glue that holds everything else together. If your drummer and bass player are cooking, you've got the makings of a good band. The melodic part, singer and guitar(s), are just the fancy pants icing on the cake. :-) Okay, just kidding. It takes all you guys kicking ass together to show the rest of us how its done. Someday I'll be in HK when you're playing and will catch one of your shows. That's a threat, and a promise.
about 16 years ago


We slap the hardest funk crunching metal across the earholes of Asia.. WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/GONGWU WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/GONGWUBAND WWW.GONGWUBAND.COM

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Languages Spoken
english, cantonese, mandarin
Location (City, Country)
Hong Kong
Member Since
January 20, 2008