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This Darling Life - Production Notes

This Darling Life

Running Time: 80 Minutes

Production Notes


This is a film about dog’s best friends, evolving around the people and dogs living in Hong Kong. It is about love and compassion. This Darling Life explores the diversity in Hong Kong’s society, and in turns reveals the residents’ feelings on issues of love and life, expanding to a universal quest for respect and equality in all living beings.


The documentary opens up with the director’s feelings towards the slow tortuous sickness and eventual death of her dog Baby, her companion dog of sixteen years. It slowly meanders into her feelings about life, death and love, questions that have intrigued mankind for centuries. The stories in this documentary unfold into imageries of what concern us the most in our short and darling life.


I first contemplated doing this project when I was producing pro bono a video for a non-profit animal welfare organization, Animals Asia.  I came into contact with many fascinating people and cases. The people are all normal residents who have a big heart. These people revealed to me how they tackle the odds and manage their lives into meaningful and constructive ones. They became my teachers. Hopefully this documentary would transcend into a story about humanity, and that it would teach us how to respect and love life a bit more, not just towards others, but also towards oneself.

The film weaves visual richness and cutaways that feature the City, offering a poetic form of documentary filmmaking using a strong personal and self-reflective angle to draw the audience into an emotional journey. It becomes a visual poem.


The documentary involves interviewees/residents of Hong Kong from multi-cultures. It is produced and directed by Angie Chen, who received her MFA from UCLA, returned home to direct three features in the eighties, and subsequently went into directing television commercials and teaching. Her short film “The Visit”, shot in Germany and finished in the U.S., has won international accolade and is in permanent collection in the Hong Kong Film Archives.

The crew is comprised of professional peers from the industry, graduates and students from the Hong Kong Academy of Performing Arts, The Hong Kong Art School, and Baptist University. They are mostly from Hong Kong and China.

Original music is collaborated by local Hong Kong artists, Ellen Joyce Loo of People Mountain People Sea and veteran musician/composer Wilson Tsang.

Post-Visual Effects are engineered by Yu+co, a US based Motion Graphics House run by two Hong-Kong-born brothers, executed by a Spaniard artist.


The one thing in common amongst them is the PASSION shared. The collaboration of such a team, with young talents and accomplished veterans, has brought about creative interchange among different nationals and generations, accentuating cross-cultural and cross-generational understanding.









決定創作《愛與狗同行》是源於一次奇妙的經歷。在慈善機構Animals Asia舉辦的“狗醫生動物醫療計劃”中,我有幸結識了許多有趣的人,他們只是普通市民,都要爲生計而忙碌,卻無私地把時間與精力投入愛護動物的事業;看著這些可愛的人如何看待生命,如何令自己活得熠熠生彩,讓我心中充滿了感動。於是我決定用我的攝像機去講述一個關於人性的故事,故事裏有對生命的尊重與熱愛。這尊重與熱愛,是對其他人的,亦是對自己的。





在本片中,你會看到聚居香港的各個種族人士,他們有些富有、有些貧窮,有些甚至無家可歸; 有些對動物置之不理,有些卻視寵物如命。出場的狗仔亦多種多樣: 有純種、有混血; 有居食無憂的、有慘遭遺棄的,更有受嚴格訓練,威風八面的。

拍攝的班底主要來自中國和香港,既有在行業中浸淫多年的專業人士,亦有年輕而充滿創意的香港演藝學院、香港藝術學院及香港浸會大學的精英畢業生。香港80後實力派女生組合at17成員盧凱彤與擁有多年作曲經驗的Wilson Tsang攜手打造本片的原創電影音樂。後期特效由Yu+co的香港分部負責,該公司總部設立在好萊塢,曾參與過不少好萊塢大片的後期製作,如《藝妓回憶錄》、《斷臂山》以及07年熱爆全球的《色戒》等。


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