Ee Hoon Khoo
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坚持梦想的人,我的艺术,我的心力。ART, singaporetheatre.com and its theatre FORUM



This is a collection of my digital light painting work. They have been published in some Underground Magazines, Entertainment Magazine and Landscape Architecture magazine. I have received many positive feedback for them. Thanks to supporters.

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AnD里在填写个人质料一栏里有“最喜爱的书”,如何定义为“最喜爱”呢? 我想至少应该是读过超过一遍,爱一本书。。。页页页页的翻看,直到困了任把书搂在怀里,陪我进入梦乡。梦里见到了郭靖与黄蓉。

个人只要喜欢的都很专情。。。所以,几十年来,射雕是我最爱。还有几本童话故事书如:《Enid Blyton》的Hardy Boys, Nancy Drews, Famous five, The Naughtiest Girl in School 还有她的Enchanted Wood, Magic Faraway Trees, 等等我都喜爱。另外还有,Anne of Green Gable和Mr God, This is Anna...我都钟爱。

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Austria - Vienna - Mumok Museum - (1) Piet Mondrian Extension

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Austria - Vienna - Mumok Museum - (2) Modern Arts (Graphics)

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心 。想 Thoughts


There's a hidden depth in her heart, not a sound coming out from it.

当一个女子在看天空的时候,她并不想寻找什么。她只是寂寞。Read more

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维也纳中央公墓 A visit to Zentralfriedhof

The Zentralfriedhof (German for "Central Cemetery") is the largest and most famous cemetery among Vienna's nearly 50 cemeteries. It is situated on the very outskirts, in the outer city district of Simmering, at the address Simmeringer Hauptstraße 230–244, Vienna 1110, Austria.

维也纳中央公墓 (德语 ),坐落于维也纳Simmering区,地址Simmeringer Hauptstraße 230-244。

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艾莉森·杰克逊看名人 Alison Jackson looks at celebrity

选择华文字幕解说请按:"View subtitles" By making photographs that seem to show our favorite celebs (Diana, Elton John) doing what we really, secretly, want to see them doing, Alison Jackson explores our desire to get personal with celebs. 艾莉森·杰克逊的摄影作品表现了大众最真实、最内心中想了解的,关于他们最喜欢的名人(比如戴安娜、埃尔顿·约翰)的日常生活。通过这些摄影作品,艾莉森·杰克逊探索了大众内心议论名人的渴望。 I have just finished watching her video and recommend it to AnD members to have a look. Its quite interesting to see the use of photography in this way. The shots were set up to simulate...Read more

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Miru Kim: Underground Art (TED)

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How to populate a media that is strangely unaproachable but yet alluring? I think Ms Kim "Underground Art Work" may not be ground breaking sort of work but it has succeeded in showing that the non-beauty side of this world, the ruin, has a story to tell.

I personally love her approach to Art and to take the unbeaten track. The delirious side of human psychology, the intensive quest to explore and learn the world is so apparent in her.

在2008年度的EG大会上,艺术家Mir...Read more

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邹奇奇(Adora Svitak):大人能从小孩身上学到什么 Adora Svitak: What adults can learn from kids

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Child prodigy Adora Svitak says the world needs "childish" thinking: bold ideas, wild creativity and especially optimism. Kids' big dreams deserve high expectations, she says, starting with grownups' willingness to learn from children as much as to teach.


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Live Theatre, Production and Technical Theatre Direction and Design. Photography and Art Directions. 舞台魅力:舞台布景,灯光,音响,特效,服装,造型设计等等。能制造不同的视觉效果,把故事的景象呈现给观众,带领他们


english, cantonese, mandarin, hokkien
December 6, 2008