Official Artist
Ee Hoon Khoo
Actor , Art Director
378,260 views| 341  Posts

Holiday - London - Frankfurt - London - Japan - Singapore

Planning a long holiday. May do London - Frankfurt - Japan or London - Frankfurt and Other parts of Europe...

I usually like to travel light but I need to bring a camera and a video camera, fortunately all my stuff are small because I know its a hassle to travel with too much to carry around. I will also bring only minimal clothing.

I need lodging for London, Frankfurt and Japan, preferrable to stay with friends or some cheap hostel... got to plan these in the next two days.

If any of my "fan" or contacts have any brilliant suggestion I would love to hear from you.


"find peace in the heart"

about 15 years ago 0 likes  4 comments  0 shares
Photo 50733
I am going to Japan in the beginning of April too ! Will you still be there ??? :-)
about 15 years ago
Photo 246443
姐姐,我搜集到的,你可以参考一下下面的摘抄(我没机会旅行,但喜欢~嘿嘿): 出去旅游,住的想卫生安全,档次要够,价格又要合适,这不是不可能的事情哦~根据本人自身N次出游住宿还有网上长期乱逛经验,推荐以下便宜网上订宾馆的方式,5星级宾馆只要订的巧,订的早,88元完全可以!首先提醒大家,住宾馆的时候开房间尽量不要开1楼,会比较吵不说房间也会比较潮!先推荐去哪儿网:http://hotel.qunar.com/ 可以在这里面输入你要去的城市,他们会提供N多的该城市酒店和许多网站对不同酒店的报价,你可以从中看出哪里订比较便宜。 其次推荐几个全国性的比较大的快捷酒店(均提供免费宽带服务): ———————————————————————————————————————— 1.7天连锁酒店:http://www.7daysinn.cn 在上面用本人身份证注册用户可以享受一晚77元的特价房(原价一般要100以上,貌似这个活动只到年底,而且需要提前付清房费,不能按时入住不予退还),档次还不错。y早晨只要5元每人。全国大部分主要点的城市都有店 ———————————————————————————————————————— 2.汉庭酒店:http://www.htinns.com/ 价位一般很高,不过可以在前台购买会员卡一张(28元),可以享受每周日订特价房的服务(全国连锁,房型任选,无论原价多少都是100元,所以订的越早,订的越好)。早餐15每人,自助,吃过一次感觉凑合。干净 ———————————————————————————————————————— 3.佳园连锁酒店:http://www.gardeninns.com.cn/ 是一个新兴起的酒店,网上对他评价很好,价格也不错,现在网上免费申请会员可以享受试运营特价,最低房价99元,档次还是不错的 ———————————————————————————————————————— 4.格林豪泰酒店连锁:http://www.greentree.com.cn 现在注册用户每个身份证可以享受1天99元特价房(活动貌似是到年底结束)
about 15 years ago
Photo 246443
找了半天以为删了这呢,还挺失落的,最后终于找到啦~希望能有一点点的小帮助对姐姐…… 祝姐姐旅行愉快:D
about 15 years ago


Live Theatre, Production and Technical Theatre Direction and Design. Photography and Art Directions. 舞台魅力:舞台布景,灯光,音响,特效,服装,造型设计等等。能制造不同的视觉效果,把故事的景象呈现给观众,带领他们

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Languages Spoken
english, cantonese, mandarin, hokkien
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Member Since
December 6, 2008