Official Artist
Dough Boy
Music Producer , Rapper
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i got sick, hopefully its not the swine flu

yes. i got a flu. Resting at home the entire day.

Went to the Colliseum(probably wrong spelling) last night with Kz to check out Jan Lam's show.

Thanks to Phat for bringing us in. It was my 1st time there. The backstage was nice, the front was even better. 9000+ people in the audience looks mad cool! haha. Yup. Hopefully we can get Kz's album done! it's way too long overdued! I gotta promise a classic!

back to school tomorrow after a 1 day holiday of sleepin at home

almost 15 years ago 0 likes  1 comments  0 shares
drink water as much as u can bro!
almost 15 years ago


Chronicles of the little skinny dude

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December 10, 2008