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Few thoughts about art and prostitutes

I was invited by the cooperation AND/Starbucks to exhibit in the new cafe in Cultural Center in TST. An offer that I accepted, an offer that brought some thoughts about art, emerging artists and prostitutes.  

First idea not necessarily the most important it's about being popular and the brand that you want to develop. Is it a coffee giant an appropriated place for me ? Surely there is nothing wrong about drinking and watching what someone produced with more or less talent. But what is the place of an art piece in such a context ? Coffee is the reason number one for coming, your friends or what you want to do is the second. Wall decoration, paintings become part of, is just making you feel warm, well etc. Fortunately this Starbucks is in the Cultural Center so hypothetically visited by peoples with a certain interest in art.

Let's think now about selling art in a coffee shop. Do peoples buy LV in Mong Kok ladies market. Well maybe they does but it's a fake one however nobody goes there for it. In my opinion mostly people follows certain rituals that are associated to a particular place; on a basketball court they play basketball, in a coffee shop they drink coffee, when they see a bench they sit on it. The idea of purchasing a painting in a coffee shop or to even consider that this painting might have a higher value would be a surprise to me – it's an out of program idea.

I'm finishing now a book about modern art market “ The 12 Millions stuffed shark (...)” from Don Thompson. One of the conclusion is that people don't buy artworks but they buy artist's brand. They can do it through a phone call without seeing it. They buy all the provenance of the piece and all advertisement that makes small becoming big like a balloon. It's a essence of modern emptiness.

Do peoples appreciate art in everyday moments ? I guess they can be inspired by it or feel well surrounded by nice objects, good design, music etc. But once again as it was the case of Joshua Bell playing violin in a cold day in Washington DC metro station nobody pay attention to art or any other stuff when it's not labeled “BIG”, “IMPORTANT” etc. The story of critical thinking and open mind are apply once again in particular moments: during meetings, in a school bench, TV discussion but not so much when walking in the streets.

So then a last question why did I accepted to do this exhibition. As XYZ I'm portraying the everyday life bringing social reality and social rituals to a level of art. Of course in a gallery paintings receive more attention and more prestige - they are pumped up. It's not existing in places like Starbucks since as mentioned paintings are not “la raison d'etre” of this places. However the social rituals happening there is an art and showing a social art in this context is making sense to me.

over 13 years ago 0 likes  2 comments  0 shares
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i'm not an art expert, but to me having any place to get your artwork out in front of people is a good thing. (maybe I just think of it like film... the more people who watch a movie, the better, doesn't matter who or where).
over 13 years ago


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