Official Artist
Desmond So
Actor , Producer , MC / Show Host
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That look when you have no idea what you're doing...who's the trusting gal?

dance #weddingdance #dolcevita #tvbpearl #feethavenorhythm #notadancer #desmondso #dezesq #蘇頌輝 #西裝紳士 #fun #dance #dancesport

about 9 years ago 77 likes  0 comment  0 shares


Fun on a Monday. Yes, alcohol and good company can do that.

mojito #coconut #coconutmojito #yum #foodporn #drinkporn #mealordrink #drinkormeal #mint #dezesqeats #drink #funtimes #igfun #instafun

about 9 years ago 58 likes  0 comment  0 shares


My creation from Saturday. First time making this awesome mac and cheese recipe from my friends J&J. I could really use a piece right now... #cheesecoma #cheese #macncheese #macandcheese #yum #delish #food #dinner #foodporn #macncheeseporn #macandcheeseporn #baked #baking #delicious #igeats #instayum #instafood #nomnom #dezesqcooks #foodlust #pasta #foodgasm #throwback

about 9 years ago 99 likes  0 comment  0 shares


Best new toy ever! Simple latte milk foamer. No battery-operated wand needed and no need to heat milk. Just pour in cold milk and shake like you're making a martini. Results in photo on the right. And only HK$49 too...happy!

newtoy #coffee #java #milkfoamer #latte #yum #cuppa #boystoys #boysandtheirtoys #awesome #kitchenfun #kitchen #dezesqcooks

about 9 years ago 80 likes  0 comment  0 shares

男士 x 牛排。

Boys' Night Out.

boysnightout #steak #yum #food #dinner #foodporn #macncheese #creamedspinach #dudes #sundayhangout #fun #bromance

about 9 years ago 81 likes  0 comment  0 shares

很久沒有試過double header -- 下午在化妝品牌runway show公布新底妝產品。

Busy work day yesterday. Second stop was helping my dear friends at NARS @narsissist reveal an awesome new skin tint at Hong Kong Fashion Week.

nars #narshk #narsissist #makeup #skintint #vmst #dezesq #desmondso #蘇頌輝 #西裝紳士 #hkfashionweek #narspureskin @cprhk

about 9 years ago 122 likes  0 comment  0 shares

很久沒有試過double header -- 早上為IoT公司宣佈亞洲accelerator 項目。 "To the left, to the left..." Busy work day yesterday. First stop was announcing regional accelerator initiative for IoT company.

wearableworld #iot #wearableiotworld #emceelife #desmondso #dezesq #dezesqoffice #蘇頌輝 #西裝紳士 @hoffman_agency

about 9 years ago 49 likes  0 comment  0 shares


What a treat. How did you guys know I was running out of aftershave and cologne?!! ? As for the eye cream, bye bye crow's feet!✌?️✌? #chanel #chanelbeaute #chanelbleu #sublimage #chanelsublimage #smellgood #smellnice #manpampering #skincare

about 9 years ago 41 likes  0 comment  0 shares


My home for 72 hours...it's been an awesome experience, I'm learning, and getting to work with a fantastic team of people.

work #secret #hushhush #view #jobwithaview #awesome #skyline #hkskyline #hongkongskyline #breathtakingview #hkview #hkpic #hkphoto #igpic #igphoto #picoftheday #nofilter #beforethestorm #happyfriday #lovemyjob #hk #hongkong #lkf #lankwaifong

about 9 years ago 98 likes  0 comment  0 shares


When a dude and his barber share a moment... You guys rock, Ball and Peter.

dope #pompadour #haircut #grease #dolcevita #tvbpearl #desmondso #dezesq #蘇頌輝 #西裝紳士 #manpamper #shave #crowsnestbarbershop #ighaircut #instahaircut #edwin #edwinwatch @jbs8five2 @crowsnestbarber

about 9 years ago 105 likes  0 comment  0 shares


"Life is like a box of chocolates -- you never know what you're going to get."

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Hong Kong
Member Since
September 18, 2008