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Desmond So
Actor , Producer , MC / Show Host
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Many people returning to work today. I had a fab time helping Pacific Place usher in Chinese New Year. Tenants and guests were treated to a spectacular and energetic traditional Lion Dance. What a party! @pacificplacehk

pacificplacehk #ppcny #EveryBondMatters #desmondso #dezesq #cny #dezesqoffice #蘇頌輝 #西裝紳士 #macrame #knit #knot #admiralty #恭喜發財 #步步高升 #nataliemiller

almost 9 years ago 103 likes  0 comment  0 shares

我要三年抱兩(如果保證有這兩個寶貝那麼可愛)! Two of my favorite kiddies meeting for the first time. In exchange for posting this pic, I had to agree to give credit to the dads for fathering these beautiful children. So thank you, @leetsui and @tukkie_tukkie (but we all know it's @angelinaanderson and #mingming who do all the real work). #babies #三年抱兩 #cute #cutebabies #gagagoogoo #adorable #bb #desmondso #dezesq #蘇頌輝 #西裝紳士 #igbaby #instababy #silly

about 9 years ago 80 likes  0 comment  0 shares


Interesting visiting the Wishing Tree at Taipo's Lam Village. It's like a ghetto version of a Japanese temple (OK, super ghetto) but at least I can say I've been there AND it refutes the notion of those who always complain that "there is nothing to do in Hong Kong". #ghettosuperstar #lamvillage #林村 #somethingdifferent #hktourist #offthebeatenpath #desmondso #dezesq #蘇頌輝 #西裝紳士 #silly #toss #goodarm #wishing #fortune #lucky #practicetoss

about 9 years ago 96 likes  0 comment  0 shares


No more smelly car. Love my new shiny blue friend who goes wherever I go. Name suggestions?

car #air #airfreshener #smellsgood #mr&mrs #newtoy #boysandtoys #boysandtheirtoys #oldschool

about 9 years ago 55 likes  0 comment  0 shares

西裝紳士祝大家猴年心想事成,身體健康!??? Happy New Year, Everyone! Wish you good health and success. Don't forget to not take yourself too seriously this year. A bit of monkeying around and mischief will keep you young and mentally sharp.

happynewyear #cny #chinesenewyear #桃花 #luck #lucky #monkey #monkeyingaround #flowers #恭喜發財 #笑口常開

about 9 years ago 84 likes  0 comment  0 shares

跟家人吃一個有意思的午餐。再見?,你好?。 Awesome lunch w Mom and Dad. Despite the focus of the pic, best part of the meal was the carrot juice! Simply delicious.

yum #food #foodgasm #foodlust #foodporn #lunch #caviar #carrotjuice #dezesqeats #delish #caviarporn #juice #stuffed #foodcoma

about 9 years ago 81 likes  0 comment  0 shares


My "special moment" at the CNY Flower Market. Let's just say someone's getting lucky this year.

CNY #chinesenewyear #peachblossom #flowermarket #cnyflowermarket #年宵 #desmondso #蘇頌輝 #西裝紳士 #dezesq #silly #fun #lucky #桃花 #桃花運 #hongkong #hk #hktradition #花市

about 9 years ago 105 likes  0 comment  0 shares


Home-made tortellini with pine nuts, sun-dried tomato paste, and fresh thyme.

dezesqeats #dezesqcooks #lunch #yum #delish #food #foodporn #nomnom #hungry #hommade #homemadeitalian #tortellini #pasta #noodles #tortelliniporn

about 9 years ago 91 likes  0 comment  0 shares


Dad said to me this morning that if I could stand the fat side of an egg up on its end, then the New Year would bring good fortune. I took it as a a joke, just tried it for fun, and this is what happened in fewer than 10 seconds. I'm STILL freaking out.

weird #weirdphenomenon #crazy #goodluck #freaky #freakingout #omg #real #notatrick #notopticalillusion #cny #chinesenewyear #wtf #eggonend

about 9 years ago 64 likes  0 comment  0 shares

其中一pair是專業的,另外一pair有空間去進步。我所謂的「空間」是全個宇宙那麼大的空間。? One pair made it look so easy. The other pair was "struggling a bit". Always look on the bright side! At least @jenniferjshum didn't end up on the floor (like my high school date, who still has a restraining order on me to this day). #dance #dancing #dancingishard #fun #dolcevita #tvbpearl #蘇頌輝 #西裝紳士 #jennifershum #dancesport #waltz #ballroom #ballroomdance #threestep #boogie #igotsoulnot #feethavenorhythm

about 9 years ago 81 likes  0 comment  0 shares


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