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二00九年九月十五日的太陽報跟我做了一個專訪。是真的 -- 我從小的時侯已經很想做周星馳。他為fanz帶來無限的快樂。

如看不清楚,圖片裏的受訪者是高比拜仁、Jason Mraz、和楊紫瓊。

I was featured in September 15, 2009's Sun Paper.  My last interview in Oriental Daily had me "pinned beneath" Fala Chen.  This time, I was stuck beside a gyrating Angelababy.  Life can be worse, I guess.  I digress...

In the article, I give props to a favorite of many -- Stephen Chow.  I admire 星爺 (nickname Grandpa Sing) because his sh*t is so original and timeless.  Looks fade, trends change but good humor sticks arou...Read more

接近 15 年 前 0 赞s  5 评论s  0 shares

My Chance "Encounter" with Ms. Fala Chan

上週五,上了東方日報娛樂版。我討論了禮貌的重要性和創立我公司( www.njtrf.com)的原因和動力。在報紙文章裏,我卑美麗的陳法拉小姐「騎」着,令我十分高興因為我是她的fan-Z!  雖然沒有機會自我介紹,我昨晚在《Laughing Gor 之变節》首映禮也見到她。電影真不錯。黄秋生,吴镇宇下個 blog 再見!###

Hey Everyone:

I've been the

KING of no-blog.

Anyway, here's a quick one -- more a photo than a blog.  I appeared in the Entertainment Section of last Friday's Oriental Daily.  The paper talked about my dream of seeing people be more polite to ...Read more

接近 15 年 前 0 赞s  6 评论s  0 shares

McDonald's Challenge Goes International! Part 1 of 3.

I'm happy to announce that the McDonald's Quarterly Challenge has gone international!!!

For the first time ever, this contest was conducted on the same day in two countries!  While most of us were chowing down here in Hong Kong, the winner from last quarter's contest, "B", competed from Boston.  (More later...)

What started off as a silly high school antic has now attracted the attention of millions!  OK, not really.  But we did have a few more contestants and m...Read more

大约 15 年 前 0 赞s  25 评论s  0 shares

RESULTS ARE IN for the McDonald's 3Q Challenge!!!

The winner of the McDonald's 3Q Challenge is...

OK.  Sorry to tease but you'll have to wait another 12 hours.  For the first time ever, this contest may go INTERNATIONAL as there might be a contestant participating from Boston.  We'll know by tonight if he'll participate via video link (OK, not really b/c of the time difference) and whether he can out-eat the folks here in HK.  (Hint: this guy has taken part in past challenges and he is a certified eater.)

For now, check ou...Read more

大约 15 年 前 0 赞s  15 评论s  0 shares


"Life is like a box of chocolates -- you never know what you're going to get."


Hong Kong
September 18, 2008