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Dee Poon
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So first it was the fashion tribe and then it was 2 museums...  Actually i cant believe i have been to 3 museums in the last week, but i have...  It's the joy of living midtown perhaps - the museums really arent that far away and on a weekday, its fun to see crazy things... Yesterday it was Buckminster Fuller at the Whitney and today MOMA.  i actually usually stay far far away from MOMA - it always feels like there are a billion people inside?? - but today it was like, ok  whatever.  I love all the architecture exhibitions if only because i like being reminded to think about how we live and how we are so affected by our environments... Have to re-read Delirious New York... It's been too long.  The questions of whether markets work and when, whether value is dependent on context, whether Malthusian policy is necessary and when... Am actually quite enamoured with thoughts of authenticity and transparency and their place today... So fun to randomly roam and chat.  I LOVE the toy giraffes at FAO Schwartz as well... Considering buying one... I did buy a bunch of Tom Binns jewelry... lovely.  Back to BK tonight and hopefully walking with dinosaurs tomorrow...  The other night some person said that i am all stream of consciousness... I think that is for sure the case today.   

almost 16 years ago 0 likes  1 comments  0 shares
Mariejost 26 dsc00460
When you live in an area with no major museums, you come to appreciate museums in other cities around the world. I was just in New York in June, and I went to a museum a day while I was there, and, once I got back home, I discovered a museum I didn't even know was in NY, because it was in Queens. I'll never get tired of NY museums, because I'll never see everything I want to see. Then again, when you've spent half of your adult life as an art historian, museums are like your second home.
almost 16 years ago


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