DC Wolfe
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Iron Man

This past weekend, I ventured out to my local cinema to catch the film Iron Man directed by Jon Favreau and starring Robert Downey Jr., Jeff Bridges, Gwyneth Paltrow, and Terrance Howard.

I have been a huge fan of superhero comic book film adaptions even dating back to SUPERMAN with the late Christopher Reeves. There have been some excellent adaptations (X-MEN, BATMAN, SPIDERMAN), some midrange ones (THE PUNISHER, the recent SUPERMAN,  Ang Lee's THE HULK) and some really terrible ones (The FANTASTIC FOUR, GHOST RIDER, and DAREDEVIL). I set out to see IRON MAN with optimism since it had a cast that is known for it's acting abilities and not as much for their box office $ appeal. Which if studios would recognise, that all the really good ones feature actors that can act and not necessarily their populairty, then they could probably do no wrong with their latest venture.

Sitting down in the darkened theater, I was treated to an amazing new trailer for The DARK KNIGHT which sent shivers up my spine every time HEATH LEDGER appeared in addition to fleshing out more of the HARVEY DENT character played by an always excellent AARON ECKHART. THE DARK KNIGHT is the film to see of the summer in my opinion and not the latest INDIANA JONES installment even though I love that character, he's just gotten too old for me.

IRON MAN basically is an origin story which helps if you know nothing about the character but also fairly accurately brings to life for die-hard fans. It explains TONY STARK's heart condition and the device which not only keeps him alive but the genesis of IRON MAN due to the same device. It's actually a fascinating story of a genius kid who inherits his father's legacy of being a scientific leader in weapons technology among other things. ROBERT DOWNEY Jr. brings to the role what no other actor could. Believabilty. A flawed man who doesn't take anything seriously and has numerous vices much like the actor himself. The story introduces the various conceptions of the IRON MAN armor and alludes to WAR MACHINE which is a nice touch for fans. JEFFBRIDGES is terrific as the duplicitous OBADIAH STANE, TONY STARK's business partner. GWYNETH PALTROW is subtle and cast perfectly as PEPPER POTTS as is TERRANCE HOWARD as TONY STARK's best friend JIM 'RHODEY' RHODES. My only wish is that LESLIE BIBB was used more as she is a very talented actress as well as beautiful.

This film ranks up there with CHRISTOPER NOLAN's BATMAN and here's why...Not only do you have strong actors which lends believabilty to the characters but these are superheroes who are mortal men that have flaws and create their alter ego's through physical training, science, intelligence and vengeance.

btw, stay til the end way after the credits because there is a small surprise which fans of THE AVENGERS will love...

大约 16 年 前 0 赞s  2 评论s  0 shares
Photo 35167
Nice review.
大约 16 年 ago
22475 2009020806404418 dot thumb
I agree with you 100% IRONMAN was probably one of the best comic book hero adaptations in recent years. I was blown away when Sameul L Jackson showed up at the end as Nick Fury. (Spoiler Alert!)
大约 16 年 ago



Los Angeles, United States
August 17, 2007