So I officially hit my 1 year mark living in Taipei on May 1st. Which also happens to be the same day that I donated my bone marrow. 7 years ago, on May 1st, 2006 (I was living in Chicago at the time) I went to the hospital where a doctor removed my bone marrow where it was immediately sent on an airplane and flown to Singapore. By the time my bone marrow reached Singapore it was May 3rd and a 9 year old girl received it. It was a full year later where I learned that her name was Ruby. The picture below shows Ruby on her 16th birthday earlier this year.
Though we’ve never met in person, Ruby and I email often and I do hope one day we can finally meet. Ruby, again, thanks for being a part of my life. You’re amazing! If anyone reading this post has any questions about the bone marrow process or what it’s like to be a donor, please don’t hesitate to ask. I’m always willing to share my perspective and experience on bone marrow donation. Facebook me at
Recently, I’ve met Emily Sun, an Australian mother and wife who is in desperate need of stem cells (another term for bone marrow). Please consider joining the bone marrow registry today as you could potentially save a life. You can also join Emily’s facebook page. Help us raise awareness about people who need bone marrow.
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