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Daniel Wu
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Tilda aka Ally Ioannides @allytheninja is another cast member I have a sweet spot for. From the moment I saw her casting tape, I told our other producers “we have to grab her! She is going to become a star” I think she was only 17 at the time but she had an old soul that you can see in her mesmerizing eyes. She also has a great dark sense of humor like me. We only had a few scenes together over the three seasons but I always loved seeing her around on set. Ally also had zero martial arts experience when we started but she always worked hard to push herself to grow and get better, she also applied that attitude towards life which made it extra special to hang around her. I am truly going to miss watch her and Aramis grow. However, I will not miss her taking me to Vegan restaurants. I am sure I will check in from time to time but it’s not the same seeing them everyday. Sigh...@intothebadlands #intothebadlands

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