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Daniel Wu
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The Widow aka @emily_beecham is our most popular and divisive characters and that has to do with her mesmerizing performances through the three seasons and of course her kick ass fighting ability. When I saw her audition tape I was literally taken aback about how strong her performance was. Honestly, I had it in my mind That The Widow would be exotic looking with dark black hair. Emily was the complete opposite with her fire red hair and porcelain white skin but her audition tape made all of us producers swing the other way and now I couldn’t imagine anyone else. Although Emily is a complete badass in the show her real life personality is a sensitive soft spoken English lady which proves how powerful an actress she is. Emily also knew no martial arts when we started but she also worked so hard to make us all believe that she could kill you in a heartbeat. I am going to miss battling it out with her! Make sure you catch the premiere of the final 8 episodes on March 24th!@intothebadlandsamc #intothebadlands #finalseason

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