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Before you judge.... | 在你判定之前……

It is very easy in this difficult time of sadness to produce angry, self-righteous assumptions about what other people are and aren't doing to help in the earthquake relief. I think instead of wasting time and energy assuming that people aren't doing anything, maybe that energy should be focused on looking for other ways to help. Let's be constructive in this time of disaster instead of counter productive. I also must remind you that this blog is but a tiny tiny sliver of what I am doing in my life. Rest assured I am doing my part to help.

I have been in China since the 13th of May. Although I was far from the quake's epicenter(Beijing and Xian) I can see that the whole nation has come together to support those affected and I was deeply moved. I am so proud that the nation has come together in this time of adversity to fight to help their fellow man. For three days at 2:28pm, we observed three minutes of respect for the victims. Normally I would say "observed a moment of silence", but it was anything but that. For three minutes all cars and people stopped but horns and sirens were blasting throughout, maybe in an effort to give hope to those still trapped and let them know they are not alone. I won't be telling you to donate money because you all should have already done that already. You shouldn't need a "star" telling you to help your fellow man, the images of destruction that you all must have seen in the news should have already pushed you to help. 

I am personally frustrated because I have been trying to find a way to help, other than by just donating money. I'm still looking into ways for me to actually go into Sichuan and help and by help I mean go in to doing real relief work. So far all my inquiries have been unfruitful. Organizations like the Red Cross and UNICEF have told me it's still too dangerous to allow me to go. I understand it's a liability to have celebrities in these danger zones but it is so frustrating to want to help and be turned away. I also don't want to do superficial help either. I have good building skills and know how to use some heavy machinery so I know I won't be one of those celebrity volunteers that needs to be looked after. It's difficult because I do not have an organization to help get me in there like Jet or Jackie but it looks like the solution will be to join their team to help. Again if anyone knows of any other organizations accepting able bodied volunteers please let me know.

The healing process will be very long. It is not something that can be taken care of with just one donation or a few days of attention. The victims can and will be scared for life, rebuilding efforts will take years. It is important that effects of this tragedy be vigilantly monitored and most importantly not forgotten.

| 在這個悲傷的困難時期,很容易就能對別人是否為地震災區做了什麽而產生憤怒、自以為是的假設。我認為與其浪費時間和精力揣測別人做了什麽,也許應該把精力放在尋找其他方法提供幫助上。災難時期,讓我們更有建設性,而不是正相反。同樣必須提醒你,這篇博客只是我一生中所做事情中極小極小的一部分。請放心,我正盡我所能提供幫助。





| 在这个悲伤的困难时期,很容易就能对别人是否为地震灾区做了什么而产生愤怒、自以为是的假设。我认为与其浪费时间和精力揣测别人做了什么,也许应该把精力放在寻找其他方法提供帮助上。灾难时期,让我们更有建设性,而不是正相反。同样必须提醒你,这篇博客只是我一生中所做事情中极小极小的一部分。请放心,我正尽我所能提供帮助。




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Hong Kong, Hong Kong
July 27, 2005