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QQ Weibo Clarification|QQ微博澄清|QQ微博澄清

OK guys, I want to clarify what this QQ Weibo account is about. I'm not a Twitter/Weibo type of person. I really don't feel limiting myself to 140 characters or less is a good form of self expression and I truly feel that will affect the way I write in the future. This is why you've never seen me use things like LOL, LMAO etc etc. I like to write the way I was taught, properly, at 36 years old it's hard to teach an old dog new tricks. Twitter/Weibo and texting has taught us really bad writing habits and I am going to resist this as much as I can. I'm old school like that.

Anyway the purpose of the QQ Weibo account is to let people in China know when I have written a blog. The alert will probably have the title of my blog and an intro but the rest of the blog must be seen right here back at AnD. So don't worry for those of you who have been following me here, nothing will change and you won't be missing a thing. For all those Weibo addicts, welcome to alivenotdead.com! I hope that makes things clear. Thanks! | 好吧﹐我想在這裡澄清一下我QQ 微博究竟是什麼回事。坦白說﹐我不是常用Twitter/ 微博那種人。我也不相信限制自己在140 字之內寫下心裡想說的話是好的﹐而且我認為這樣會影響我將來寫東西的方式。所以﹐大家沒有看過我寫LOL ﹐LMAO 等等的字母。我喜歡用我所學的方式去寫字﹐是正式的方法。現在36 歲了﹐很難教老狗新把戲。Twitter/ 微博和短信教識我們很壞的寫字方式﹐而我會盡我所能去抵抗這個傾向。我都很古板。

總之﹐我開QQ 微博的原因是讓中國的朋友們知道﹐我幾時寫了新博客。我想﹐這個新消息有我博客的標題﹐還有小小簡介﹐博客的內容要返回AnD 這裡去看。所以平時在這裡跟着我的朋友﹐不要擔心﹐什麼都沒有改變﹐而你們也不會錯過任何消息。常用微博的朋友﹐歡迎來到alivenotdead.com! 希望這會清楚一點。謝謝!| 好吧﹐我想在这裡澄清一下我QQ 微博究竟是什麽回事。坦白说﹐我不是常用Twitter/ 微博那种人。我也不相信限制自己在140 字之内写下心裡想说的话是好的﹐而且我认为这样会影响我将来写东西的方式。所以﹐大家没有看过我写LOL ﹐LMAO 等等的字母。我喜欢用我所学的方式去写字﹐是正式的方法。现在36 岁了﹐很难教老狗新把戏。Twitter/ 微博和短信教识我们很坏的写字方式﹐而我会尽我所能去抵抗这个倾向。我都很古板。

总之﹐我开QQ 微博的原因是让中国的朋友们知道﹐我几时写了新博客。我想﹐这个新消息有我博客的标题﹐还有小小简介﹐博客的内容要返回AnD 这裡去看。所以平时在这裡跟着我的朋友﹐不要担心﹐什麽都没有改变﹐而你们也不会错过任何消息。常用微博的朋友﹐欢迎来到alivenotdead.com! 希望这会清楚一点。谢谢!|OK guys, I want to clarify what this QQ Weibo account is about. I'm not a Twitter/Weibo type of person. I really don't feel limiting myself to 144 words or less is a good form of self expression and I truly feel that will affect the way I write in the future. This is why you've never seen me use things like LOL, LMAO etc etc. I like to write the way I was taught, properly, at 36 years old it's hard to teach an old dog new tricks. Twitter/Weibo and texting has taught us really bad writing habits and I am going to resist this as much as I can. I'm old school like that.

Anyway the purpose of the QQ Weibo account is to let people in China know when I have written a blog. The alert will probably have the title of my blog and an intro but the rest of the blog must be seen right here back at AnD. So don't worry for those of you who have been following me here, nothing will change and you won't be missing a thing. For all those Weibo addicts, welcome to Alivenotdead! I hope that makes things clear. Thanks!

about 13 years ago 0 likes  43 comments  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
Thanks for clarifying for people who were confused by the announcement last week. Personally I don't feel short tweets or status updates are a real replacement for blogs for communicating anything complicated or meaningful... But I think that's a generational thing too.... younger kids don't have the attention span for more than a few sentences. :-P
about 13 years ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
ps - I hate the word "LOL"... especially people who say it out loud rather than just laughing. :-P
about 13 years ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
about 13 years ago


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