Official Artist
Candy Hang Yin Lo
Actor , Singer , Dancer
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This Fri is gonna be a good good night ...

hi everyone, it's been awhile since my last blog because I no longer have internet at home apart from on my IPAD..... anyways first let me say thanks for all those who came to Candy Lo X Rick Cheung with Edgar Hung on piano on 19 and 20 Aug it was a great night  also thanks to my gang at Alivenotdead for featuring us, Skylark for hosting, Joyce Ma for the image ( beautiful as always ) and my partners in crime, Rick and Edgar. THANKS GUYS   This fri, I'm doing another gig with Angela Lam and Hilda Poon, also at Skylark starting at730PM https://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=226719230674733[![](/attachments/2011/09/07/18/69762_201109071838561.thumb.jpg)](/batch.download.php?aid=10235445)afterward  that don't forget to go check out my bro, Chris Polanco's pre show at Backstage at 1030pm!!!  http://www.facebook.com/event. php?eid=203785996351459 it's a pre show for his big one "Chis Polanco and Amigos Unforgettable Night" on 27 Sep 11 at Poly U Jockey Club 

almost 13 years ago 0 likes  1 comments  0 shares


www.candylo-hangyin.com www.alivenotdead.com/candylo www.facebook.com/candylohy www.twitter.com/candylohangyin www.weibo.com/candylohangyin www.tudou.com/h

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March 26, 2008