Official Artist
Candace Kita
Actor , MC / Show Host , Model
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Read Across America

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gi1S79pdWaAGood morning everyone, I just uploaded a picture gallery of the National Read Across America Day.  This is the second time Hotties With a Heart was invited to participate and we had a great time.  Then, I remembered this video from the first time we participated in Compton, CA.  I'm reading "Walter the Farting Dog".  This was not my choice, but it was handed to me at the last minute.  The kids loved it and thanks to my radio co-host, Doug, for providing all of the  flatulent sound effects.

almost 15 years ago 0 likes  1 comments  0 shares
13217210 1743870255825165 2847427840276028739 o
'Walter, the farting dog' ? What are reading the kids these days?^^ Lol @ 0:27
almost 15 years ago


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Member Since
August 23, 2009