Candace Kita
演员, 主持人, 模特儿
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Listen to Hottie Help Right Here

Good morning everyone!  Sorry I didn't post a blog entry yesterday; it has been 102 degrees in Los Angeles and literally too hot to think.  I know that everyone who lives in LA and is reading this knows exactly what I am talking about.

 I noticed Alive Not Dead posted 3 episodes of my radio show, Hottie Help.  Please listen to them if you'd like.  The first clip has guest Cindy Cohen, winner of TV Land's She's Got the Look and also author of Amazon Top 100 book, How to Live the Live of Your Dreams in 30 Days or Less.  Cindy is an amazing woman who went from teenage motherhood and homelessness, to achieving the life of her dreams.    In this episode we discuss international travel safety for women.

You can listen to 30 other episodes that will be available on the Iphone as an application in October. 

Until later, ciao from scorching hottie hot LA!


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Dear Friends and Fans, Welcome to my Alive Not Dead page. I’m interested in your feedback so please feel free to submit suggestions on how to make this page


Los Angeles, United States
August 23, 2009