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ben sin
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It's a bitch.

It's what ruined many a things--the PS3, Slumdog Millionaire, Green Day's latest album, the Sopranos series finale, etc.

None of the above can be considered bad by any stretch, but because of the insurmountable hype, they disappointed and left us wanting more.

Obama can join that group. Aside from being handed a Nobel prize for no real reason a few weeks ago, the man's approval have dropped and the novelty has worn off (yes, novelty. Obama himself is more than qualified to be President and there are many genuine supporters, but be real--half the asscats who put some form of "OBAMA!!!" facebook status back in Nov of 08 are bandwagoners who wanted to hop on board the hip, young, black celebrity President wagon because it was cool to do so. I remember seeing all these HK and British cats putting Obama on their MSN status and I was like "what the hell?"), Obama's got stuff to do.

Hype sucks. It made us roll our eyes at the PS3's lack of killer exclusive games (lets see, Metal Gear Solid, both Uncharted, Gran Turismo. That's it. Every other big PS 3 games can be found on the xbox) and hurl at Green Day's marketing team comparing their latest albums to Nevermind, Ok Computer, etc.

So yeah, Obama, between rooting for Lebron in NYC and preparing his March Madness bracket on the golf course, will be coming to Asia. First Japan, then Beijing, then South Korea. There will be plennnnnty to talk about.

Him taking missiles off Russia, the ridiculous health care plan that's like a porn scene--it looks and sounds better on paper than it does in real life, and realignment of US security in Japan, and of course the financial crap.

Hype once again will get the best of Obama, as he's expected to leave Asia with dirt off his shoulders and his hat real low (okay I know the Jay Z references are getting stale but come on it's late and I just want to do a quickie blog before I read BILL SIMMONS BOOK)

Be realistic, he'll touch on the issues, he'll flash that Dr J smile, and he'll try to find a happy medium between "us" and "them". That's all.

He ain't no Bill Clinton now. Now that's a fucking hip cat. Groping interns, smoking cigars, golfing with MJ, rescue Korean chicks and he ran the economy like Denzel ran shit in Training Day. And he plays the sax.

over 14 years ago 0 likes  1 comments  0 shares
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i feel sorry for him. he's so much more vulnerable because his task is a helluva lot worse than clinton's was, plus with all this social media he's under a lot more scrutiny. i just hope he doesn't choke from all the damn hype.
over 14 years ago


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