Andy On - my official artist profile
Official Artist
Andy On
Actor , Stuntperson
894,076 views| 607  Posts

About Andy On

Really wish I could do this when it comes to traffic.

Born in the U.S. and relocated to Hong Kong, On was approached by China Star founder Charles Heung and world renowned filmmaker Tsui Hark to take over the role of one of Jet Li's famous movie characters, Black Mask, in Black Mask 2: City of Masks (2002). Andy went to the Shaolin Temple to train for a month in stretching and martial arts for the role. Despite the poor reviews and bad box office sales, Andy has continued to act and, in fact, improve in not only martial arts but acting as well. He was nominated for the Best New Actor Award for his role in Siu nin a Fu (2003) (aka Star Runner) and shared the screen with the man who influenced him, Jackie Chan, in New Police Story.



アメリカで生まれ 香港へ移住したオンは中華明星の草分けである向華強 と世界的に有名な映画監督徐克 (ツイ・ハーク)の引き合いを受け、李連杰(ジェット・リー)の有名な映画の役、ブラックマスクをブラックマスク2:シティオブマスク(2002年)のなかで引き継ぐ。アンディは役つくりのため少林寺に行きひと月もの間格闘技の修行を積んだ。前評判の悪さや興行成績が不振だったにもかかわらず、アンディは役者を続けた。事実、格闘技だけでなく演技もうまくなっていった。 彼は少年阿虎(2003年)(英題Star Runner)で最優秀新人賞にノミネートされ彼に影響を与えたジャッキー・チェンとニューポリスストーリーで同じスクリーンに出たのだった。

Interesting facts about Andy On

Location Hong Kong
Gender Male
English Name Andy On
Traditional Chinese Name 安志傑
Member Since April 8, 2008
Languages Spoken English,Cantonese,Mandarin
Simplified Chinese Name 安志杰
Fans 176
Profile Views 894,076


Really wish I could do this when it comes to traffic.

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Location (City, Country)
Hong Kong
Member Since
April 8, 2008
Languages Spoken