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treating myself | 犒勞自己

Oops... Sorry about the missing pics,  I am having trouble uploading pics.  The two picture suppose to be Lawry's primrib.   I will solve the uploading problem ASAP.

Anyway,  It has been awhile since I eat out and treat myself with a nice dinner.  With moving and etc.  I've been eating all sorts of fast food and take outs.  Yeah,  bad for my health.  So me and my wife went to the Lawry's in Hong Kong treat ourselves with a nice dinner.  It's been awhile since I had a primerib.  The last time when we were at San Franciso film fest.  We went to house of primerib. It was nice, but not as good as Lawry's I think.  

Been cutting out carbohydrates at dinner for a month now.  I think I've lost 5 pounds.  Feeling much lighter and healthier.  The last time I have to control my intakes was 14 yrs ago.  I'd drop from 180lbs to 150lbs in 2 month.  Jogging twice a day. 1/2 hour each.   But now, It seems harder and harder to lose any pounds.  I guess is the metabolism slowing down and all..  really have to double the exericse and controlling the food intakes.

Will post pics soon


| 哎呀…對不起,我沒辦法上載照片,本想放兩張Lawry's Prim Rib(勞瑞斯特級燒牛肉)的照片。我會盡快解決上傳圖片問題。

有段時間沒出去好好享用一頓晚餐了。在搬家和其他時候,我經常吃各種快餐和外賣。是的,對身體很不好,所以我和老婆去香港Lawry's餐廳好好犒勞一下自己。我很久沒吃特級燒牛肉了,上次吃還是在三藩市參加國際電影節時。我們去了House of Prime Rib,味道很不錯,但我覺得不如Lawry's的。



| 哎呀…对不起,我没办法上载照片,本想放两张Lawry's Prim Rib(劳瑞斯特级烧牛肉)的照片。我会尽快解决上传图片问题。

有段时间没出去好好享用一顿晚餐了。在搬家和其他时候,我经常吃各种快餐和外卖。是的,对身体很不好,所以我和老婆去香港Lawry's餐厅好好犒劳一下自己。我很久没吃特级烧牛肉了,上次吃还是在三藩市参加国际电影节时。我们去了House of Prime Rib,味道很不错,但我觉得不如Lawry's的。



接近 17 年 前 0 赞s  57 评论s  0 shares
Photo 22991
i can't see too
接近 17 年 ago
01 04 andrew
well, no particular reason for losing a few pounds. Actually I was trying to reach a paper thin skin, so all my muscle can be very visible.
接近 17 年 ago


I have been working on a few films lately, 《烈日灼人》, 《房车奇遇》. I am still acting and running my Make-up Effects shop and training school.


Hong Kong
March 23, 2007