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Happy Independence Day Malaysia. Merdeka!

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A4AsTBFxq0EVid: Hands (PETRONAS Raya Merdeka 2011)Like all Commonwealth countries, Malaysia went through a long history of colonisation by the British empire and only gained independence on the 31st August 1957.Although we are a relatively young country, we are a country steeped with history and rich in culture. The celebration last year was slightly toned down due to Ramadan still being in progress, however, this year Hari Merdeka(literally translated as independent or freedom) and Hari Raya (the end of Ramadan festivities) fall on the same day. I expect one heck of a celebration. In fact I have to tell you, I'm starting my celebration early with my good friends!HAPPY BIRTHDAY MALAYSIA AND I'M PROUD TO SAY I'M A SON OF MALAYSIA!Here's a glimpes of Malaysia and loads of wonderful food to share! Caution, do no view with an empty stomach!Video: http://vimeo.com/28352176 

about 13 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares


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