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Get the word out on your favorite artists! | 推廣你最愛的藝術家! | 推广你最爱的艺术家!

[ 繁體中文]        [ 简体中文] [alive not dead] is proud to host the official fan networks for our community of artists. Only through good word-of-mouth and fan support can these great filmmakers, musicians, etc... continue to produce great work. Hopefully, you've been using [alive not dead] to find out about your favorite artists and learning about new, emerging talent. Now, it's your turn to be a BETTER FAN by spreading the word on your favorite artists using the newly launched "PROMOTE THIS ARTIST" feature. Each artist now has a "PROMOTE THIS ARTIST" button in their profile.

You can help promote an artist by sending an invitation to your friends to check out the artist's profile. Invitations can be sent in a variety of ways,  including our newest, EASIEST method: Send an invitation to your Facebook, Myspace, or Friendster contacts to check out your favorite artist! When your friends hop onto the site and register on [alive not dead], they'll AUTOMATICALLY become a fan of your promoted artist and one of your friends on [alive not dead].

The new "Promote this Artist" feature allows you to automatically send invitations to your friends to check out and become a fan of your favorite artists' profiles

Help spread the love by helping to promote your favorite artist now!


  -- Admin Bear wants to help promote one of his favorite artists, 24 Herbs. Click here to become a fan! See, it's THAT easy to help get the word out and promote your favorite artists, too=========================================|

[alive not dead]很驕傲地為我們的 藝術家社區組織官方粉絲團。只有通過口口相傳和粉絲們的大力支持,我們這些偉大的電影工作者、音樂家…等藝術家們才能繼續做出偉大作品。希望你們在[alive not dead]找到喜愛的藝術家並更多了解他們的才華。如果你想當更好的粉絲,就用"推薦該藝術家"按鈕幫助他們做推廣!現在每個藝術家空間的頭像下方都有"推薦該藝術家"的按鈕。PREFIX = O /

你可以發送郵件給朋友們查看該藝術家的空間。邀請郵件有幾種發送方式,最新鮮最簡單的方法是:發送邀請郵件給你在Facebook、Myspace或Friendster的聯系人,告訴他們這個藝術家!當你的朋友到[alive not dead]註冊並登錄,他們便自動成為你推薦藝術家的粉絲和你在[alive not dead]的好友啦。




  --小編熊仔想推廣它最愛的藝術家—24 Herbs。 點擊這裏成為粉絲!看,傳播和推廣喜愛的藝術家就是這麽方便========================================================|

  [alive not dead]很骄傲地为我们的 艺术家社区组织官方粉丝团。只有通过口口相传和粉丝们的大力支持,我们这些伟大的电影工作者、音乐家…等艺术家们才能继续做出伟大作品。希望你们在[alive not dead]找到喜爱的艺术家并更多了解他们的才华。如果你想当更好的粉丝,就用”推荐该艺术家”按钮帮助他们做推广!现在每个艺术家空间的头像下方都有“推荐该艺术家”的按钮。

你可以发送邮件给朋友们查看该艺术家的空间。邀请邮件有几种发送方式,最新鲜最简单的方法是:发送邀请邮件给你在Facebook、Myspace或Friendster的联系人,告诉他们这个艺术家!当你的朋友到[alive not dead]注册并登录,他们便自动成为你推荐艺术家的粉丝和你在[alive not dead]的好友啦。




--小编熊仔想推广它最爱的艺术家—24 Herbs。 点击这里成为粉丝!看,传播和推广喜爱的艺术家就是这么方便!

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Hi, I am Admin Bear and this is the alivenotdead.com company blog. hi,我是小編熊仔,這是 alivenotdead.com 公司的博客


Hong Kong
November 13, 2006