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? 【電影節第七日】:眨一下眼睛,電影節快過了一半~大家今天有甚麼節目?之前買不到票也不要緊,今天下午兩點有《#野獸刑警》免費放映及導演 #陳嘉上 觀眾答問會~



? [#HKIFF41 Day 7]: What screenings are you going today? It's okay if you couldn't grab any ticket of today's screenings. We've got you covered. There will be a free screening of #BeastCops and Q&A with Director Gordon Chan at 2 pm today, followed by a seminar on the topic of “Paradigm Shift: Post-97 Hong Kong Cinema”. The seminar will be conducted in English with...Read more

大约 7 年 前 26 赞s  暂无评论  1 share

? 【電影節每日影訊】:十九年後命運再光臨

// 《#愈快樂愈墮落》中的音樂吸引了不少觀眾的注意力。導演 #關錦鵬 稱自己很信任編劇和配樂于逸堯的選擇,王菲與黃耀明不同版本《#暗湧》的前後安排正是由于逸堯提議的。原本黃耀明的版本並不在計劃內,決定在片尾換作男聲來呈現這首歌到黃耀明錄製完成,竟都是24小時內發生的事。魏紹恩毫不掩飾自己對《暗湧》這首歌的喜愛,他尤其鍾愛「歷史在重演,這麼煩囂城中,沒理由,相戀可以沒有暗湧」這句歌詞,因為他認為歌詞似反應了當時的中英關係。//


? [#HKIFF41 Festival Daily] #StanleyKwan and #JimmyNgai reunited at #HoldYouTight screening

// The film is also memorable for its sharp use of Cantopop, masterminded by scriptwriter...Read more

大约 7 年 前 28 赞s  暂无评论  6 shares

? 【電影節每日影訊】:#志明與春嬌,情緣停不了

// 很多人關心會不會開拍第四集,#彭浩翔 說:「在第三集上映前,電影公司已問會不會拍第四集,不過我拒絕了。雖然我很喜歡這兩位角色,但我不想重複我自己。但留意,我拍完第二集時也說過同樣的話。」//


? [#HKIFF41 Festival Daily] Love actually, when Jimmy meets Cherie

// Fans are concerned if the story of Cherie and Jimmy will continue. Pang said he has been asked the same question by the film company before Love Off the Cuff was launched. "I said no. I like the two characters, but I don...Read more

大约 7 年 前 24 赞s  暂无评论  1 share

? #HKIFF41 其中一個影迷最期待的《#牯嶺街少年殺人事件》修復版場次剛結束後,就是初稿編劇 #小野 老師的映後分享會。老師特別準備了簡報,封面照片就有驚喜——猜猜左邊臉的人不是張震,是誰?答案遠在天邊 近在眼前啊~ 大劇院門外有書刊特賣場,萬勿錯過。

有幸買到門票的影迷揮手區 ?? #楊德昌 #張震

. ? Who are staying for #HsiaoYeh's talk after the 4-hour screening of restored #ABrighterSummerDay? Guess who's another guy next to #ChangChen on the cover picture besides? Make sure you check out the book sales outside the Grand Theatre after you leave! #EdwardYang #hkiff

大约 7 年 前 123 赞s  暂无评论  2 shares

HKIFF41 已經來到第六天 不知道大家有沒有用 #HKIFF 手機應用程式揀片呢?? 為大家推介幾個功能:

?收藏心水電影,排好日程無難度 ?必看每日影訊,緊貼活動花絮,更有講座/映後談詳盡紀錄 ?鎖定場地位置,自動連接Google Map,即使要趕場亦可立刻找到最快捷途徑 ⬇️ 未下載的話 立即到 App Store/ Google Play 搜尋 HKIFF 啦! ❌電影節結束後也不要卸載程式,電影節全年也有不同的電影節目,可透過這應用程式追看最新資訊

Day 6 of #HKIFF41 - have you used the #HKIFF Mobile App? ? Several great functions you have to know: ?Save your favorites to a list for easy scheduling ?Keep yourself updated by visiting our Festival Daily site for highlights ?Auto link to Google Map for directions between venues ⬇ Download at App Store and Google Play no...Read more

大约 7 年 前 15 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

? 【電影節每日影訊】:《#一念無明》中的愛與責任

// 4月13日,香港藝術中心迎來電影《一念無明》的放映。交流會開始後,導演 #黃進 首先和觀眾打招呼,表達對大家前來支持的感謝。隨後觀眾踴躍提問,現場氣氛熱烈。//


? [#HKIFF41 Festival Daily] Welcome to the #MadWorld of urban living

// Young local helmer #WongChun brought his feature debut, Mad World, to the #HKIFF, and met with the audience on 13 April at the Hong Kong Arts Centre after the screening. He received a warm welcome as well as a range of questions from the...Read more

大约 7 年 前 31 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

? 【電影節每日影訊】:聽局內人說《局外人的貪戀》

// 《局外人的貪戀》的一個重要特點,是使用菲林等多種素材,運用多種技術包括繪畫、刮劃、浸染等,再通過動畫效果將一張張靜態圖像連結,這與一般由動態影像構成的電影不同。導演杜漢彬表示,創作過程中大部分是先有影像,再為其配樂,影像佔據主導地位,聲音則作為輔助。//

映後分享詳細記錄:http://www.hkiff.org.hk/news/detail?id=57 下一場放映場次:16/4 19:30 香港藝術中心

? [#HKIFF41 Festival Daily] Covets of an Outsider: An insider's guide

// Director Toh Hun Ping also shared with the audience the materials and the techniques he used in the videos. Examples shown were some films for still photos, in...Read more

大约 7 年 前 6 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

? #HKIFF41 書刊特賣場已經開始了! 地點:香港文化中心大劇院外 日期:15-17/4,22/4 時間:下午5:30-9:30 ?買滿$200送阮大勇為「範式轉移:後九七香港電影」設計的海報一張,送完即止 ?只收現金?不接受一千元大鈔 . ?#HKIFF Book sales began outside the Grand Theatre, 2/F of Cultural Centre. Date: 15-17, 22 April Time: 5:30-7:30 pm ? Free poster of "Paradigm Shift: Post-97 Hong Kong Cinema", designed by Yuen Tai Yung, upon purchase over HKD 200. ?Cash only. ?HKD 1000 note is not accepted.

大约 7 年 前 36 赞s  暂无评论  8 shares

? 【電影節每日影訊】:愛國無罪,造反有理



? #HKIFF41 Festival Daily: A Tale of Political Conflict in South Korea

This week at the HKIFF, the director Kim Soo-hyun brought his latest film, #BeatenBlackandBlue, a politically charged black comedy exploring the sometimes violent war of words and ideas between conservative and liberal factions ...Read more

大约 7 年 前 7 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

? 【電影節每日影訊】:鑽石島上,看柬埔寨青年的浮世繪



? #HKIFF41 Festival Daily: Davy Chou: Shining Bright like a Diamond

When asked about the film's reception in Cambodia (where the film was shot), Chou revealed that Diamond Island had a theat...Read more

大约 7 年 前 8 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares


Hong Kong International Film Festival


Hong Kong
March 18, 2009