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?【#HKIFF41】大師駕到~ 奧利維亞阿薩耶斯將於第41屆香港國際電影節期間舉辦三場大師班,第一場將於香港浸會大學舉行。開放予公眾,座位有限,先到先得。

? #OlivierAssayas will have three master classes during the festival. The first one will be held at Hong Kong Baptist University 香港浸會大學. Open to the public. First-come-first-served. #hkiff #personalshopper #carlos

大约 7 年 前 21 赞s  暂无评论  7 shares

? (私心)強烈推薦這篇每日影訊!Highly recommend reading this Festival Daily article written by our Programming team!

?️《#香港製造》修復版映後談詳細記錄 ?️ A detailed recap on post-screening Q&A of #MadeinHongKong two days ago

HKIFF #HKIFF41 #香港國際電影節

大约 7 年 前 23 赞s  暂无评论  4 shares

?電影節第三日:《#一一》映後談除了本片配樂及藝術總監 #彭鎧立,一大驚喜是特別嘉賓—本片女配角#金燕玲!燕玲姐一上台就笑說今天比幾天出席金像獎頒獎典禮更緊張,詳談以前與楊導合作的回憶。彭鎧立解釋電影英文片名是來自當初在錄音室創作音樂時,開始前必說的「A One and a Two」,英文在音樂裡頭是beginning(開始),中文名「一一」在中文的意思是生命的始源。#hkiff41 #hkiff

大约 7 年 前 138 赞s  暂无评论  11 shares

? #電影節 第三日:文化中心《#一一》排隊現場~~#楊德昌 . ? #HKIFF41 Day 3: Two things to be happy tonight: Easter long weekend will start soon, and it is #YiYi / #AOneandaTwo screening tonight! Fans of #EdwardYang queuing at Cultural Centre now.

大约 7 年 前 72 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

? 電影節第二日回顧:《#香港製造》導演 #陳果 一反「觀眾問導演」的傳統,在台上反問年青觀眾過了二十年重看此片,有何感想?他還選中一個在1997年只有七歲的觀眾。導演更與攝影師柯星沛、監製余偉國大談當初用過期菲林拍攝的困難及趣事。映後座談會氣氛熱烈,不少觀眾站起來鼓掌歡呼。導演說二十年後再看不知有何分別,監製笑說不如三十年後重看,因為他希望「五十年不變」。

? #HKIFF41 Day 2 Recap: During general Q&A sessions, it is always the audience asking questions, but after the screening of #MadeinHongKong last night, #FruitChan is more curious how the young audience think about the film. An audience said he was only 7 when the film was released in 1997. Chan shared shared many difficulties of shooting with expired films back then, with his ol...Read more

大约 7 年 前 51 赞s  暂无评论  1 share

? #香港國際電影節 每日影訊 ?️ #原諒他77次 首映 ?️ #HKIFF41 Festival Daily on #77Heartbreaks gala premiere last night.

hkiff Twins 蔡卓妍&鍾欣潼 衛詩雅 Michelle Wai J.Arie 雷深如

大约 7 年 前 7 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

電影節第三日:看來我們之前的Facebook post喚起《肌電工情》導演Marcelo Caetano的注意~他好喜歡電影的中文戲名,更親自為香港國際電影節創作附上中文戲名的官方海報!《肌電工情》電影節首場將於今晚11點45分於The Grand上映。

HKIFF41 Day 3: Our previous Facebook post caught director Marcelo Caetano's eyes. He loved the Chinese title so much he created an official poster for HKIFF's audience! Body Electric's first screening takes place tonight at 11:45 pm in The Grand Cinema! #BodyElectric #肌電工情 #HKIFF

Trivia: Marcelo Caetano was the First Assistant Director for Boi Neon - Neon Bull, last year's big hit on the film festival circuit...Read more

大约 7 年 前 25 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares


After the success of Sara (2015), director Herman Yau teams up again with actress Charlene Choi for 77 Heartbreaks, a lighthearted romance based on the novel of the screenwriter Erica Li. Gala premiere of the film was held last night (12 Apr) at the Hong Kong Cultural Centre. Charlene, together with Gillian Chung, Michelle Wai and J Arie attended the event to meet the audiences.

大约 7 年 前 16 赞s  暂无评论  5 shares

?電影節第三日:巴西電影《#肌電工情》Facebook專頁解釋中文譯名來源 香港國際電影節首場--今晚 23:45 The Grand

每日睇到靚靚電影海報係一種享受 ? #HKIFF

? #HKIFF41 Day 3: #BodyElectric Facebook page admin explaining what the Chinese film title means in Portuguese, and how it matched the film. Its first screening at HKIFF: 23:45 tonight at The Grand

大约 7 年 前 15 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

?電影節第二日:《#原諒他77次》首映禮 女主角阿Sa呼籲大家多d 喺Instagram post相幫手宣傳~大家順手tag埋我地呀 @hkiffs #hkiff #hkiff41

? #HKIFF 41 Day 2: #77heartbreaks gala premiere

CharleneChoi asked the fans to promote the film by Instagram Tag us in your photos of tonight!! @hkiffs #hkiff #hkiff41

阿Sa #阿嬌 #twins #gillianchung #michellewai #衛詩雅 #jarie #雷深如 #蔡卓妍 #鍾欣潼

大约 7 年 前 21 赞s  暂无评论  1 share


Hong Kong International Film Festival


Hong Kong
March 18, 2009